A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

Of Jacozs Benmen’s Writings. 35

A method to be profitably ufed on this weighty fubje& may be,

ft, To name, define and defcribe them feverally and diftinély.

adly, To demonftrate them in fome meafure to the reafon of mankind, yea to the eye and fenfes; thereby to give affurance that the blefied Jacob Behmen was not

eating the air, but building on a rock not

to be fhaken.

Definition of the feven Fountain Spirits in the divine power of God the Father, are,

Firft, The aftringent, binding, piercing, compacting, knitting power, fecret and hidden in the divine power of the Father’s faliter. A fharp power like falt whence exifteth (in the evil and mortal part) a power locking up, as are the outward earth and ftones.

Second, An attraction, vanquifhing the harfh aftringency, which is both {weet, mild, meek, and alfo bitter; the ftirring. of the defire and caufe of life, whence alfo water is generated. Out of thefe two fountain fpirits is the heart or fon of God generated from eternity in eternity. Alfo of them (with the reft of the feven fpirits) is

F4 ; the