A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

Of Jacos.Benmen’s Hritings. 39


fenfes and thoughts. For,when. the bitter. fpiric (with the heat) pafles through the aftringent, and the fweet, mild, yielding. paflage, the two open gates of the eyes are made.

Fifth, Light producing love. The holy gracious love kindled by. the heat. in the {weet quality, is all pleafant ravithing fweetnels, light,and glorious, the fountain of eternal free immenfe brightnefs.of love. Here all tongues ftammer, hands. fhake, pens blot; and hearts flame, that.tafte, fee,. hear and feel it. Even fo, Amen.

Sixth, Sound. or noife. The tone or found of the divine word, whence:is fpeech and language, alfo the finging of angels, and opening the divine kingdom of joy. Here all colours, beauty and ornament, is feen. This tone or mercurius originates in the hard aftringency as the Father, and the whole faliter. is the mother; for if tke aftringency were both father and mother, a ftone would found.

Seventh. The body generated out of the other fix fpirits, and in which they dwell as their labbath, wherein all heavenly figures (joy, 8c.) fabfift, image and form the {pi rit of nature, wherein heaven itfelf and an-

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