A compendious view of the grounds of the Teutonick philosophy : with considerations by way of enquiry into the subject matter and scope of the writings of Jacob Behmen, commonly called, the Teutonick philosopher : also several extracts from his writings and some words used by him explained

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Of Eternal Nature. Pages

HE Author’s Preface, ili to vi What eternal Nature is 7 to 10 Concerning the Abyffal Effence 11 to 17 Eternal Nature’s Effence - 17 to 19 The Eternal Elementof Fire 20 to 24 The Eternal Element of Water 24 to 26 The Eternal Element of Air _ 26 to 27 The Eternal Element of Earth 27 to 28 The Formal Caufe of Eternal

Nature = - - - - 29 to 37 The Final! Caufe of Eternal Nature - - 38 to 44

What Kind a5 Pancple eeu Natureis - - - = = 45 to 77 God in Eternal Nature - - 78 to 82 God’s Union with Eternal Nature - - - = - = -83 to gf

ERTARA’s in the Firsr Part.

Page 4. line 7. read vas/s not veils, and as often as that word occurs. P. 10. J. 12. read be creates it out of, and. P. 14.1.5. read centres and not cenrer, and as often as that word occurs. P. 24. |. 17. read the centre from whence it is produced. P. 46.1.9. read and the divine Chaos aré before it. P. 78. 1, 1%. read of anoibker difcourfes