Acta Scientiarum Universitatis Pekiniensis (Naturalum)
68 Gy te ee ae 1958 46
> os a (7b)
nlognlog log n---log’ n+ [1 (n) ]?
In this connexion the analogue of the harmonic series ¥ is
which is also convergent for p>1 and divergent for p<.
We may of course make other choice of the mn’ in Theorem 7, and make (according to Theorem 2) the corresponding change of the ratio _ in (7C) and (7D). We may also use (7b) instead of (7a).
. 5. By changing the /(m) in the last factor of the denominator of the n-th term of series (7b) into the sum of the first n terms of the series for p=0, and . by expanding the ratio of each pair of consecutive terms of the resulted series, we find that a series of positive terms Sa, is convergent if
all 1 alt 1
Ona n nlogn nlognloglogen nlognlog log n---log’™n
— : — 10 gc! nlognlog log n---log’n «1 (n) ( ny > ( )
where p>1 is independent of m; and it is divergent if
al 1 1 A!
Gy, = 2i— “ mloo loom. lool: nlognlog log n---log (On
Gy n nlogn nlognlogloen
is z Zo (8D’)
n log nlog log n---log™ nel (n)
We write R?(/(n)) for the right member of. inequality (8C’) and consider the extreme values of R?(h) for h=1,2,---, (mn); and find that R*(h) attains the minimum at h=l(n) and R?(k), when p>1, attains the maximum at h=/' (m) > where (’(2) is the integer such that ;
log” MnsU' (n) Slog! In =1. We have Lemma 2. The series
SU, (p) = : (8a)
nlognloglogn---log’ n+ [U' (n) J?
as convergent for p>2 and divergent for p< 2.
Comparing with series (8a) we find that the series
oe —_ = LT Cn) nlogn log log n---log’ Cm
n YA, a : TI Lice? @(m=DI MFO -L,G)? m=3
is conyergent for p>1 and divergent for p<. For this series we have A il al ill 1
= = = sari : Ay1 n nlogn mnlogn log logn nlogn log logn---log’ (tn