Acta Scientiarum Universitatis Pekiniensis

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O mpenucnosuu Tos. lllaw Oe x KHure “‘Msyuexue 06 O6IeCTEeHHO-xXO3AACTBECHHOU MoOpDMaLIHH B AME

actuu Mus uv Lien’ --.---- enon c cece eee teeter ere ecesenseesnctewereerseresecsee seexsecccses Toeece Sete tencesees Jo Tla-Haup ( 1 ) KopoTko 0 ryMaxHsme uv wHEHBuRyanusme 8 BypxyasHox Jlureparype Espomnu. Bexpsitp---------OyH Gu. (45 ) XKpucTuancreo u KyNbTypa Satlaha—onelT wx MSPSOWEHKH ---------- sereaccereece sotersacesseeees Uy Tyan-Lises ( 27 ) SHauenve SOOpBbOM! M@XXHY MaTepHaNvsMOM uU uneaIHSMOM B MCTOPHK PaSsuTHA WOruKu Ha Salane--s------

meaenaccereescacorssecesesaes Nacenecorstdsscessenes Rasen est neenee scene sacs Renee an eee ec aeea ceeaeeas an nesce +--+ Ma Gnxeao-Lusx ( 41 ) Tnasenie MyYHKTE! KOMMEHTapHes K TeKCTY 13-Tu ruas ‘“CyxHp—L[Sp’’. --+-++2-+2-+-ee-eso eee w+) Ax Buse-Axp (55 ) O xapakTepe A=Ksi0--«-=s-* seceaneanenetneencesneesse= Ree aed e an aan cone ane ae nace Aeatdn anne a neneeeeenasanaaaanee «+--+ Law Ussus (73) OPOTHBXOP6UNAX B PASBUTHH.HAIerTO HapOHOTO XO3HHCTBA H O NMPHHIuMe NapannenbHoro passuTHA

TIDOMBILINGHHOCTH UH COMBCKOFO KOSHUCTBA B KUyTaGs--s+-re-eereseeeceeerec sees et eee eee ees reese My l]3a-“Hp ( 87 )

Hay4nan +KMSHS

Buerymienue uieHa MocTrosuHHoro KoMuTeTa LJeHTpanbHo KOoMUCCHH NO Tenam pewopmer!: KuTalicxoh

TucMenHocTu Tos, Bs% Ihos Bp TITY o pewopme nucmeHHOCTH --+--+-++- (14)

KputTuxa Tozapwiem Xs Ly-maxom Tipassm SpemeuTos Ha OCHOBS yeeHUA TapTHH O NuTEpAaType-----:---

See purser eececcescte-ses tee tecbecterteceectertecnccrectecneetectectsctcstectsrsectactectestectsctecssctecsscsessoceenseel (BUH Upcy (26 ) HayyHad H6ATENLHOCTh KAMSRPEI BCGMHPHOH UCTOPUH HOBOTO WH HOBSHUISrO BP6MSHH 3a MpOUMNHM ron

teste cence eceee tecteceeeeeceee HMxedbopmanua Kamenpst BC6mMupHOA uCcTOpHuH HOBOrTO H HOBEHWISrOo BpeMeHH ( 72 )} O ZByX MOMMYHADORHEIX COBSLIGHHAK JODACTOB cree+cee reer ee essence este ee ee ee ee ee rere ees ec tess ec neceeeees Usxp Lloy—u (109) Jlexuuw O TuTepaTypS uw UCKYCCTBS HA OTHGNSHUM KY DHANUCTHK cecrect ees eceeceeceeet eee eee ee U>xen By-pxy (110)


A Gritique of Shang Yueh’s: Preface for “Siudies of the Sociol Structiwe During the Ming and Ching

Dynasties? acre ees sencsett nesses rose cegnceneean ren erarenectee ns vere eaneane reese tease nse eeeeenseneet s+ Liu Ta-mien ( 1 ) Some Gritical Remarks on Humanism and Individualism in European Bourgeois Literature---------

wed c esc w cect cence cc cccen cece eae etceecesceucencescesersnesecsenseeteceeesessecene seesessreesseeeeeeeeeereereeceeseereseee Peng Chi (15 ) The Influence of Christianity on Western Culture an Attempt at Pe-estimation:------------+--.-----

Neapewters saecacenteercawanvennas Seaneee Seascccceraencoenesoncesenee ce aasaswncesawencantcewsaenecesescesacso nel GTITT Kwang-tsien ( 27 } The Struggle between Materialism and idealism in the History of Western Logic---- -

teeeeceee : - Ho Ghao-ch’ing ( 41 ) Textual Criticism of the Thirteen Chapters of “Sun Tze” --+-----+--s-++-ee-seeeeceeeeeeeeees Yang Ping-an (55 ) The Character of Ah Qe-ss--+-++-- SE SES ons VES as SSO Sa ST ape OSS e SU EE EE OSES ANDRE SEE Tsai Chian (73) The Contradiction in the Development of our National Economy and ithe Finding Principle of

Simultaneous Development of both Industry and Agriculture --+-++--+-+++++e-+eeeeee ees Mou Chia-yin ( 87 )

Academic Activities

Comrade Wei Ch’iieh of the Central Language Reform Committee Addressing Teachers and Students of Peking University on “Some Problems in Language Peform” ---++-+++++++e¥ee++ He Nian ( 14)

Comrade He Chi-fang’s Refutation of the Right-Wing Writes from the Party’s Principle of Art and Literature -----+--+----

Ee Mo scr osuensevasscanererere fees teieess Ching Chih (26 ) Scientific Activities in the Department of Modern World History during the Past Year-----:wr avecrcesasvasisreroesbense=snessasawenreseetarannrriaserancsvascorersecescacestassadnen acter neran eran ven anean Correspondent (72 ) Two International Conferences Of Jurists ------+-----+--+-c+ceveeveccscncenceecrrorserteceenteceecees Chen Shou-yi (109) Lecture on Literature and Art “for the Department Special Training Course of Journalism”-----. wavesntes peccacecat cused eescss epevecvan tree ods easee Ser eS a COCRE ROS UEC CSO C SE TRE CST CSUR EMR CSM Tc toon taser tone ceroren Chang Pu-chou (110)