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ÖSTERREICHISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ÖFFENTLICHES RECHT, Wien, Band IX, H. 1, 1958. Robert Langer: Der Kampf um die Meschenrechtskonventionen der Vereinten Nationen. Günther Winkler: Zum Verwaltungsbegriff. Die Problematik eines positiv formulierten dreifachen Verwaltungsbegriffes. Pier Luigi Zampetti: Methodologische Betrachtungen zum Verhältnis von Norm und Tatsache. POLITICAL SCIENCE (Published by the Department of Political Science and School of Public Administration Victoria University of Wellington), Vol. 10, No. 3, September 1958. Kuzuo Kawai: The Divinity of the Japanese Emperor. R. H. Brookes: The General Election of 1957 Wellington Central, the Field and the Battle V. R. S. Milne: Voting in Wellington Central, 195 7. Peter Cambell: New Zealand Ministers, 1935-1957. POLITICAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY (Edited for the Academy of Political Science by the Faculty of Political Science of Columbia University), New York, Vol. LXXIII, No. 1, March 1958. Fritz Stem: Adenauer and a Crisis in Weimar Domocracy. Sidney Klein: Capitalism, Socialism and the Economic Theories of Mao Tse-tung. William R. Allen: International Trade Theory, Commercial Policy and the Economist. Herman Walker, Jr.: The Post-War Commercial Treaty Program of the United States. Gerard Braunthal: West German Trade Unions and Disarmament. No. 2, June 1958. — Cecelia M. Kenyon: Alexander Hamilton Rousseau of the Right. Madeline R. Robinton: Parliamentary Privilege and Political Morality in Britain (1939-1957). Stanley J. Zyzniewski: Soviet Foreign Economic Policy. J. P. C. Carey and A. G. Carey: Oil for the Lamps of Italy. Geoffrey Seed: British Reactions to American Imperialism Reflected in Journals of Opinion (1898—1900). No. 3, September 1958. Doris A. Gräber: The Truman and Eisenhower Doctrines in the Light of the Doctrine of Non-Intervention. Fred R. von der Mehden: Marxism and Early Indonesian Islamic Nationalism. James P. Shenton: The Coughlin Movement and the New Deal. Robert A. Kann: Public Opinion Research A Contribution to Historical Method. Denis H. Wrong: Parties and Voting in Canada A Backward and Forward Glance in the Light of the Last Elections. Bernard Wishy: John Locke and the Spirit of '76. Leon Gordehker: The United Nations, the United States Occupation and the 1948 Election in Korea. IL POLITICO (Revista trimestrale édita a cura dell’ Istituto di Scienze Politiche dell’ Università degli Studi di Pavia), anno XXIII, No. 3, Settembre 1958. A. Kemp: II problema intemazionale degli esperimenti atomici. G. Borsa: Le trattative per I’indipendenza dell’ India. N. Baldbkins: Il pensiero economico occidentale visto dai sovietici. P. Biscaretti di Ruffia: The First Two Years of Functioning of the Italian Constitutional Court. L. Treves: Radiotelevisione e libera manifestazione del pensiero. —A. Colombo: Totalitarismo e state sovrano unitario. POLITIQUE (Revue internationale des doctrines et des institutions), Paris, nouvelle série, No. 2, Avril-Juin 1958. Jean Salomon: Les dictatures militaires républicaines. Charles Cadoux: Le parti du Congrès en Inde. Edward L. Cozier: La Fédération des Antilles britaniques. POLITIQUE ÉTRANGÈRE (Revue publiée par le Centre d’études de politique étrangère), Paris, 23 e année, No. 4, 1958. René Dollot: Situation de l’Afghanistan. Owen Lattimore: Frontières russo-chinoises. Georges Gayet: Zanzibar, centre de l’lslam de l’Afrique orientale. Pierre Rossi: L’lraq au printemps 58. J. J. Berreby: Pétrole et panarabisme. André Holleaux: Le gouvernement du Cambodge contemporain. No. 5, 1958. M. Szegedi: Ce que la révolution hongroise était et ce qu'elle n’était pas.— Jean-Michel de Lattre: L’élévation du niveau de vie