Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



Webster: Munich Reconsidered. A Survey of British Policy. A. Toynbee: Impressions of Afghanistan and Pakistan’s North-West Frontier in Relation to the Communist World. G. Goodwin: The Expanding United Nations. II Diplomatic Pressures and Techniques. P. O’Donovan: The Precedent of the Congo. P. J. Vatikiotis: Dilemmas of Political Leadership in the Arab Middle East The Case of the U.A.R. No. 3, July 1961. P. Wigny: Belgium and the Congo. J. H. Ferguson: The Cuban Revolution and Latin America. R. W. Van Alstyne: Woodrow Wilson and the Idea od the Nation State. H. Tinker: Community Development A New Philosopher’s Stone? J. W. Bruegel: German Diplomacy and the Sudeten Question Before 1938. C. Jones: Lord Curzon of Kedleston, 1859—1925 An Appreciation. THE INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW QUARTERLY f.Published by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law), London, Vol. 10, Part 2, April 1961. S. A. de Smith: Fundamental Rights in the New Commonwealth. A. Drucker: Compensation Treaties between Communist States. P. Weis: Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons. K. W. Royan: Reception of the Trust. B. A. Harwood and Lord Dunboyne: Service and Evidence Abroad. G. W. Bartholomew : Recognition of Polygamous Marriages in Canada. Part 3, July 1961. V. H. T. Delany: Charitable Trusts and the Conflict of Laws. D. L. Campbell: Jurisdiction over the Non-Resident doing Business in England. I. Lapenna: The New Russian Criminal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure. P. B. Keenan: Companies and Taxation in the Common Market. Earl Snyder: Protection of Private Foreign Investment. —• K. R. Simmonds: The Interhandel Case. E. Lauterpacht: The Contemporary Practice of the United Kingdom in the Field of International Law. JAHRBÜCHER FÜR NATIONALÖKONOMIE UND STATISTIK, Stuttgart, Bd. 173, H. 1, April 1961. G. Gäfgen: Zur Theorie kollektiver Entscheidungen in der Wirtschaft. R. v. Ungern-Sternberg: Zur demographischen Lage in der Welt. H. 2, Mai 1961. I. Bog: Der Merkantilismus in Deutschland. H. O. Lenel: Neue Entwicklungstendenzen auf dem deutschen Kapitalmarkt. G. Zeitei: Zur Währungspolitik der Deutschen Bundesbank. H. 3, Juli 1961. A.E. Ott: Über die Gleichgewichtsbedingungen in einer wachsenden Wirtschaft. Agrarsubventionen. A. F. Napp-Zinn: Die Öffentliche Hand als Verkehrsunternehmer in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. H. 4, September 1961. U. Gruber: Zur Frage der Gesamtgrössenbetrachtung bei Marx und Keynes. E. Hoppmann: Wettbewerbspolitik und Exportkartelle. THE JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW, CRIMINOLOGY AND POLICE SCIENCE (Published by the Northwestern University School of Law), Baltimore (Md.), Vol. 51, No. 6, March-April 1961. H. Mannheim: Developments in Criminal Law and Criminology in Post-War Britain. M. E. Wolfgang: Quantitative Analysis of Adjustment to the Prison Community. E. M. Schur: British Narcotics Policies. L. M. Dubin: Wiretapping. P. Meyes: Scientific Criminal Investigation Techniques Under Dutsch Law. N. Ray: Use of Nylon Spray as a Lifting Medium for Latent Impressions. Vol. 52, No. 1, May-June 1961. G. O. W. Mueller: The Law Relating to Police Interrogation Privileges and Limitations. F. E. Inbau: Police Interrogation. B. Weisberg: Police Interrogation of Arrested Persons. Police Interrogation Privileges and Limitations Under Foreign Law (Canada, England, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Norway). —■ J. Klingensmith: The Husband-Wife Evidentiary Privilege in Criminal Proceedings. R. Nedrud: The Career Prosecutor. G. H. Brereton: The Importance of Training and