Anthropo-biology : towards a system of the sciences

the unconscious of Man, but very much to-day in consciousness. We need to find a thread and a way to handle constructively, and not in some sense of debility, failure and defeat, the necessary fact that Mankind and the planet Earth will and must die, just as every single individual will and must.

From the scope and vision of treating Man not as a part of Nature but as the synthesis, essence, focus, of the whole of the kingdoms of Nature two possibilities begin to develop and come to life. The possibility on the one hand of self-knowledge and of understanding more and more responsibly how we carry in our personal life the whole of that which we see outside in history and in Nature; and on the other hand of a deliberate constructive world planning instead of the empirical politics and economics which are all that Mankind can to-day aspire to because there is no science of the whole. We can envisage the possibility of anthropo-biology in which it would be possible to understand the meaning in the whole constructive development of Mankind of each nation, race and epoch, of each civilisation and culture, of each movement, group and block of Mankind. Then we could try, more as a physician than as the current notion of a politician, to heal this chaos of a world in which we live, where all these functions, instead of being in harmony together, are all in conflict and disorder, are all fighting and competing with each other, in which hearts are at war with livers and kidneys with lungs. We might begin to understand what is the proper positive function of each block, race, nation on earth, what is the positive life meaning of each of these elements in the whole economics, the whole household of Mankind; where it oversteps its mark and where it is pathologically usurping some function not properly its Own.

Now cannot we see the possibility of a deliberate constructive planning of a new type of organism in the world, a new growth and development of organic life, a new step and stage, a leap in the whole course of evolution whereby the link which joins the units or cells of an organism together should no longer be an organic and unconscious one but a deliberate, agreed and conscious one? In history, all societies, all nations, all the social life