Anthropo-biology : towards a system of the sciences

The New Atlantis Foundation proposes a meeting place, neutral and impartial within the scope of Mankind, where this inhumanity of science and the materialism in things of the spirit can be overcome by transmutation, adoption and absorption. They can be melted by those forces of cognition in the human soul which carry in them sympathy and love and not hatred. Our ordinary thinking, the ordinary intellectual thinking of science, which makes an object of something and turns it into a thing to study, is a manifestation of hate. It is true that through this hate, through this thinking which carries with it such an undercurrent of hate, we also became truly individual, for our individuality and individuation could only come about by a mutual antipathy and hatred, bringing each of us into our own egos and centres against everyone else. But now that we have reached in our generation this apotheosis and apocalypse of anarchism and individuality, now that our individuality has become an empty impotence and a mere abstract form, there is nothing else for it but the suicide and death of our Western world in failure and disaster, or else Rebirth.

We must bring to bear on the realms of our experience those other faculties which lie in all of us, which are not so very much covered or hidden to-day, those faculties of cognition, which through love build bridges of understanding and sympathy and which bring the human heart as an organ of knowledge into play, and not only the human intellect. Then I think we can build a science which wotld be the basis for synthesizing our own experience individually, and also for that constructive world action towards the organisation of the human household, towards the organism and kingdom of Mankind as a self-conscious kingdom on this planet, which is the goal and aim of the whole evolution and its justification. In some such way as this I would wish to put the necessity for these two actions: The very serious thinking, and system of science, which is necessary in order that science and personal knowledge may not be merely chaotic or dilettante and the tender, individual, human and qualitative experience, without which everything that we touch becomes nonsense, and falls to dust and ashes in our fingers. Therefore