Bilten Bitefa


The great Catalanianm poet Hapiru wpote his vistom of "Phedpe" fop Wupia Eepept im Catalanian language uhteh he late» on trahslated into Castiliah (Spanish) longuage.

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A gpoup of foreign ceoppespondemts at BITEP has left vyesterday for Movi Sad where they WILL see, om the stage oj Ben Akiba, Žilnik s performance of "Gastapbettep Opera".

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Yestepdayv, during the imteymnsstom of tne "Troubles Because of Comon Sense” Tatjona Lukigamova approached | egu. Mihajlović amd sala that he had made a mistake wheh he upote Tn "Politika" that the play of Griboyeaov has neve» been shown ih Belgrade:

– Tn 1949, at the stage of the Mational Theatve the Slovene National Theatpe gave a pepformance of "Tvoubles Because of Common Sense".Stone Sevep was paPticulaviu moted fo hits acting.

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Mn Nova Gopica, whezve ali the populattom speaks Italian, theze uas ho heed to give the translation jon the penformance of the Siloilian puppets amd their "Oplomdo 's Death".

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The JuvyJ of BITEP wiLLL meet on Friday, afte” the second showina of the. Dutoeh ballet to make a dectston on the Gyeat Avwavd c f BITEP. The second pepPformance Prom holland 1s not wWithth the copetitioh.

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When the Jumj of "Politika" will make the deoetston oh the best stage dipeotop is not known. Most probably during the same night.