Bilten Bitefa


The figuzes In the DBAD CLASS ape ambiguous individuals.

As if stuck and patehed togethe» from vapious bits amd pieces

Left ove» from aohildhood, from the foptunes ezxpepienced 1h theiP past lies (mot aluavs Pespeotable), from the dpeams amd pa8s8ions, they keep disintegrating amd tramsforming themgselves in this theatpical movement and element, velentlesslyu maktng theiP WqU touavds they final foym, whtioeh cools off quickiy and ippevocably, and whtoeh 1s to aeohtaln thet> Whole happiness amd thetPe whole pain. THE WHOLE MEMORY OP THP DFAD CLASS. The final prepapatioms fo the CREAT GAME with the VOID ave made ın haste.

Simcee alt this takes place Th the theatre, the aatops 1n the DRAD CLASS lovallyu keep the vules of dyvamatioe yYitual, assume voles 1m some play, but abpavehtiyu do mot attaoh vezu mieh impopPtamece to them, they aet as 1 automaticallu, OMt of habit; we have evem the Impresstoh that they ostentatilousiy Pejfuse to owh up to these voles, as 1ıf they wezve ohlu vepeating somebody else s sentences and actions, tossing them off with faoeility and without seruples; these zukes break down evevy mov and agath as ıf badly leamt; septous gaps occur and manu passages ave laoeking: ue have to depend om guessuopk and intuTLbiO?T |

pebPhaps no play is aoeted, nd even if some oarpeatiom 18 attempted žk te OJ Little Pimbpostece in the face of GAME uhtoeh ra tHdeed being aeted ih this THEATRE OF DEATHI

This oeneatžon of illusiohs, this negligent improvisat{om,

this shoddihess,y this ocuPsopIness, these shveds of sehtamces,. these failing aotions, ohly some intentions, this Whole mustifičatbton, Gde 7 some play veve. eolly befna acted, thirLa |Putiliby" only these com bring it about that we have this ezpePtence and

the sense of the GREAT VOID and the fuapthest fronMtter of DBATH.

The sequenee of the “Dead Class" saćomse,„ "Oollustohs with the Votd”", uhambiguouMsly contains the theatvical muoeleus o? this Gveat Game.

Jt would be wnjustifted bibliophiliie pedmtru to attenpt to find tjose miestng fragments mecessavy fo the complete "knowledge"

of. bhe, subječt of HE pito oj 'th?6 piau:

This would be bhe simplest method of destmoying sueh am important spheze as "FEBLIMG".

Fop this yveason It {a inadvisable to know the content of "Tumo» MoOzsgouotloes" (Mp. Tumou» Bvmathling), a play by I. WitkieuWioz. It 18 this vepy blay whtieh has served us fop pupboses alteadu desoepibed.