Bilten Bitefa


( a, ShorE Faosume )

( Rumania

Starting from the premises of a real historical | fact, the play of Marin sorescu eXceecdsS, thankx to the wide orening of its contents of ideas ~ the framework of a historical MLlay, Since its Projection, widely SeHeralizing, naš jm itSelf some other lines, ME. abpart Tromvthe aomineering one, patriotic, becćoming thus a truthful analysis oF everlasting dimensions and the atribute of humanitv.

The real historical fact, on khe basis.OE which „_.Marin Sorescu is buildinq ug his action of the ji Lenetration of Mabmud UMIJOC A Nr e Sultan ) into the Roumanian Lana, a Fenetration which had For its alm the bringinc to the throne of Radu the Handsom, instead of his elder brother Vlad Cenes ( Dracula ). On his Way to the Danube, the Sultan is tryinc to get away of:his boređom by writing odes, evaluating his talents in critical disputes, with. Viqim Dal (a high courtier with the likerary reputatiom) and, from time to time, he attends the theatrical performance which represents an evocative reconstruc = tion of themost voicedad Siltan”“s achieveiment the ConGuest of Bvyzankbkium., Mbiin.a theatthicCal' Biece which protagonists are he himselž and „Đysantine captives„ led by the Sultan on his long:'brip like some living Dropicc) ( eloquent proofs of his, triumphant conquest but, at the same time omens of his fall). On this long journey Radu (. Cepes“ brother and the usurper of his brothers throne) meets Pinzaru, a Roumanian refugee WHO, :ažter visiting several towns, feels homesick. Radu dives him a promice that he will.take him „back home, but he denounces iii eventually :as,a spyv and Pinzaru is nanged.