
dible energy which remains that energy is atomic re-creation and obvibusly proves that there is no death, only transcendence. Transcendences are to be accepted and adapted in order to survive the atmosphere of transcendence. We are now in the age of Aquarius, represented by man. We have an opportunity of consolidation and creation of a golden era. The last age of Aquarius occurred approximately 24 or 26 thousand years ago. In other words: a full sun year, a sun revolution, revolution of planets that revolve around it, around the outer region of Milky Way. We note that most people are not aware of this. Instead, they are aware that the Earth is flat, that the Moon does not revolve around the Sun, but around us. These are all various on-the-other-side-conditions on Pupilia's journeys. Who can mould mist and clouds? into dough? Each man decides by himself whether he will raise his voice or not. Similarly, no one bears another man's faults. If there are stars in Pupilia Ferkeverk's eyebrows, those stars are no one else's fault. We still cannot walk on water, neither can we cure by touch. However, the sea of tranquility and happiness floods more and more each day the veins of Pupilia Ferkeverk.

njega, oko spoljne regije Miečnog puta. Primećuje se da većina ljudi toga nije svesna. Umesto toga oni su svesni da je zemlja pljosnata, da Mesec ne kruži oko sunca, već oko nas. To su sve razliöita stanja ’s one strane’ u putovanjima Pupilije Ferkeverk. Ko će maglu i oblake umesiti u kolač? Svako odluöuje sam da li da podigne svoj glas, ili ne. Isto tako niko ne snosi tudu krivicu. Ako se na obrvama Pupilije Ferkeverk nalaze zvezde, te zvezde nisu znak tuđe krivice. Još ne znamo hodati po vodi, isto tako ne znamo lečiti dodirom ruke. Pa ipak, more mirnoće i sreće svaki dan sve vise preplavljuje žile Pupilije Ferkeverk.