

have just arrived in Pune. He cautions them against resting in the Kotwal’s gardens, but hungry, they pluck some fruit, and are flung into dungeon by Ghashiram. The jails are overcrowded, the prisoners suffocated, some die. 16. A Baron, an enemy of Ghashiram, hears the cries of the prisoners and orders the jail doors broken down. 22 Brahmins are dead from suffocation and several serious. The populace is furious that 22 people be killed just for stealing fruits. A mob turns violent, but Nana is indifferent. 17. The mob rushes to Nana’s palace, and demands Ghashiram’s death warrant, Nana seizing the opportunity issues orders for Ghashiram’s execution; and suggests desecrating him too. 18. The enraged mob converges on Ghashiram, shaves his head, parades him back to front on camel, drag him in the streets chained to an elephant’s legs and finally stone him to death. 19. Nana, Statesman and Politician, declares 3 days of Festivities, to celebrate the passing of the terror which had gripped Pune. All traces of Ghashiram are ordered obliterated. 20. The populace is overjoyed, and the city resumes its old ways, decadent and debaucherous as before. □

Onakva kakva je čovekova žudnja takva je i njegova sudbina. oUpanišade Glumcima predstave Dozivanje ptica Before the Actor speaks she/he must have a strong sense of what she wants to say... must have an image of the world she wants to create to be committed to a life of usefulness, to be active in the world of real problems. to be part of the community

jugoslovensko dramsko pozorište bcograd, Jugoslavija dozivanje ptica rad na ovoj predstavi inspirisan je arislofanovini pticama reditelj: haros pašović scenograf: marina čulurilo kostimograf: lana Cvijanovič kompozitor: zoran erič, zoran Hofman koreograf: sonja vukičevič dramaturg: irina gilič akrobatika: pavle buda lektor: dr branivoj dordevič udaraljke: lomas aman učestvuju; Slobodan beštič, tatjana venčelovski, sonja vukičevič, aleksandra ilič-plcskonjič, dragan Jovanovič, mirjana karanovič, nebojša Ijubišič, radomir lazarevič, predrag manojlovič, cvijeta mesič, branka petrič, irena stępić organizator: zorana Jankovič asistent reditelja: gorčin Stojanovič asistent kostimografa: Ijiljana petrovič premijera: 7. aprila 1989.