
3. The Game of Dice After an unnaturally long pregnancy, Gandhari (left - Hélène Patarot) becomes by extraordinary means the mother of one hundred sons, the Kauravas. 4. The Game of Dice Drona arrives at the court of King Dhritharashtra where Bhisma has been bringing up the cousins - the Pandavas and the Kauravas. Drona is a prodigious master of arms and he sets the cousins a test to find out which ot them is the most gifted archer. 5. The Game of Dice The game of dice is about to begin. (From left to right) Shskuni (Tuncel Kurtiz), Duryodhana (Georges Corraface), Dushassana (Urs Bihler), Bhisma (Sotigui Kouyate), Gandhari (Hélène Patarot), Dhristharastra (Ryszard Cieslak) and Yudhishthira (Andrzej Seweryn). 6. Exile in the Forest One of the Pandavas, Arjuna (Vittorio Mezzogiorno) the irresistible conqueror, goes to the mountains to look for the divine weapons he and his brothers will need in their fight against the Kauravas, their cousins.

7. Exile in the Forest The god Shiva (Тара Sudana) appears as a mysterious hunter, who fights Arjuna and gives him Pasupata, the supreme weapon which could destroy the world. 8. Exile in the Forest At the court of King Virata, General Kitchaka (Maurice Benichou) become infatuated with Draupadi (Mallika Sarabhai) and does everything,he can to possess her. 9. Exile in the Forest The war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas is nigh. Gandhari, mother of the Kauravas (Hélène Patarot) and Kunti, mother of the Pandavas (Miriam Goldschmidt) talk, 10. Exile in the Forest Krishna, the peacemaker (Bruce Myers) speaks to Kunti, mother of the Pandavas (Miriam Goldschmidt) on the eve of war. She does everything she can to push her sons into war. 11. The War Arjuna (left - Vittorio Mezzogiorno), Krishna (centre - Bruce Myers) and Yudhishthira (right - Andrzej Seweryn). Both the Pandavas and the Kauravas asked Krishna for his

support in the war. Given a choice, Arjuna chose Krishna alone and unarmed and so Duryodhana and the Kauravas have all of Krishna’s armies on their side. 12. During Filming Peter Brook (right) with lighting cameraman William Lubtchansky (left). □