
Ergonomski odnos između tela i instrumenta vrlo je važan pri definisanju sadriaja, pa i štruktúre muzike. Kad je reč o duvačkom inštrumentu, taj odnos određuje da muzika bude jednolična, sastavljena od fraza, dužine daha i veštine prstiju. Klavijature takode: môžete da svirate akorde, arpedja i skale. Razumete šta mislim kad kážem da jesva zapadna muzika neka vrsta formatizovanog odbrojavanja. Zato me ne impresioniraju previse sintesajzeri jer se na njima svira onako kako to klavijatura dozvojjava,Ma koliko dobro zvučali guddci, uvek znáte da je to sintesajzer zbog, na primer, načina na kóji je odsviran triplet. Intonacija tog tripleta je drugačija na svákom instrumentu, závisná od toga kako na njega deluje telo, i ohrnuto. Znáte da li se svíralo palicama, gudalom po žid ili na klavijaturi. Bow Gamelan veliki naglasak stavlja na metod sviranja, Naglasak nije na tehnici ili ličnosti izvodača, vec na fizičkim svojstvima instrumenta i mehanici njegovog dejstva, Mislim da je moj stav uvek bio isti: tu ste da stvari stavljate típogon. Instrument ne môže da svira sam. Ako hočete da se nešlo pomeň, vi ste mehanizam kóji če to uraditi. Značí, vi ste na redu posle muzike. Muzika i instrument ostvaruju sopstveni uticaj, ali vi ste činilac kóji im to omogučuje. Vi usposlavljate vezu. ... Nije toliko reč o opčinjenosti samim mašinama - elektromotor nije naročito uzbudljiv - več o sredstvu koje vodi nekom cilju. Tako pomerale vlastite granice, prevazilazlte sopstvenu maštu. Kad imamo několiko mehanizovapih instrumenata, njihov ritmički obŕázac je složen i neljudski. To je i dalje sistem, ali neizrecivo komplikován. Uporedite to sa zvonjavom zvona. To je pravi sistem. Uzmite dvanaest zvona poredajte ih i zazvoníte u svakoj raspolOuvoj permutaciji. Čak i sa samo četiri zvona postoje dvadesel četiri permutäcije. Improvizujúci, ja mogu da svladam oko póla tucela tih permutacija pre nego šlo zabora v im gde sam t počnem da se ponavljam. Upotrebíte sistem, mehanički ili prírodní, i prevazišli ste mogučnosti svoje mašle. Uspeh Paula Burwella i Bow Gamelanu uopšte potiče otud što on divne, ali naizgled nepraktične ideje pretvára u stvarnost, Pokazuje mi leonardovske skice za instrumente i predmete za predstave na obali reke uključujuči i jednu pecaru za viski, koja se na vitiu diže iz vode i vrača u nju da bi proradile ražne zviždaljke načičkane po njenom vrhu. Imam utisak da bi ovaj čovek mogao da uradi ili napraví sve što mu padne na pamet. Jasno, prava veština je kako rešavati svakodnevne probléme

umetnika izvodača i radikalnog bubnjara, problem kao što su vatrogasci, minijaturni budžeti, i pravljenje opřeme ni od čega. Ali, kao što padobranci žive za slobodní pad, izvodači žive i rade za predstavu, što u Paulovom slučaju zvučí vrlo uzbudljivo. Usred sekcije pištaljki, vise ne tie. Ravnoteža vam se svuda msprostire, a zvúci ritma vam preplavljuju unutrašnje uvo i zvone vam u glavi. •Ne čujete sebe kakomisljte, ne môžete da vlčete. Kao da ľepäite iznad zemIje. To je kao droga... ali bolje! □ Rhythm, jula 1989. Trevor Parsons

Bow Gamelan Tours 1987 The British Are Coming Festival, Copenhagen (four performances) Festival Den Haag, Holland Offshore Rig, LIFT ’B7 commission at Waterman’s Arts Centre Berlin 700 Years Anniversary Festival, Antwerp, Belgium Salzburg Festival, Austria Festival Acarte, Gulbenkian Museum of Modern Art, Lisbon Opening Fanfare for ICA 40th Anniversary Nettlefold Music Festival, Norwood, South London Manchester Festival 1988 Bretton Hall College, West Yorkshire (one week residency with performances) The Leadmill, Sheffield Wakefield 100 Anniversary Festival, West Yorkshire St Jean de Braye Festival, France Sounds Unusual Festival, Jubilee Gardens (in conjunction with Le Maître Fireworks) Scot International Festival, Togamura & Kodo Drummers International Percussion Festival, ’Earth Celebration’, Sado Island, Japan (five week visit funded by Britich Council) Hannover Festival, Germany Glasgow Garden Festival (one week residency and performance) Cervantio Festival, Guanajuata and Mexico City, Mexico (five week visit funded by British Council) Leeds 100 Anniversary Festival Huddersfield Festival of Contemporary Music 1989 Sitgcs Festival, Spain Contemporary Archives, Nottingham The Navigators, LIFT ’B9 (four performances on the River Thames) Sommer-Melbu, Festival Melbu, Norway Birmingham, Art in the Open, Fanfare for Birmingham Guernsey Festival Zap Club. Brighton British Art Festival, Madrid □

The Bow Gamelan Ensemble Selected Performances; 1984-1989 1984 London Musicians Collective Teh Brixton Gallery 1985 The Ikon Gallery, Birmingham The Museum of Modern Art, Oxford Perfo 2 Festival, Rotterdam Darlington College Founders Day Space-X Gallery, Exeter International Festival of Performance Art, Bracknell New Instruments/New Music Festival, LMC London Opera House, Royal Norhern College of Music, Manchester The Ferens Gallery, Hull Arts in Danger, Diorama, London Whitechapel Open, Christchurch, Spitalfields, London Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), London Nieuwpoort Theater, Ghent Kaii International Theatre Festival, Brussels Orchard Gallery (residency) Londonderry, Northern Ireland Art and Exchange, Belfast Cibeal ’B5 Kenmare, Eire Anchorage, Brooklyn Bridge, New York (three week residency with four performances) AIR Gallery, New Jersey Festival Nieuwe Mušiek, Belgium Swindon Performance Festival London International Festival of Theatre (LIFT) 1985 GLC Thames Day, South Bank, London American Centre, Paris, France 1986 Theatre der Welt Festival, Frankfurt The Place Theatre, London (week of performances) Brighton Festival, outdoor performances on the beach for the Zap Club Laing Gallery, Newcastle

Fribourg Festival, Switzerland Dovecot Arts Centre, Stockton Midland Group, Nottingham (two week residency with performances) Dowanhill Church, Glasgow, for Third Eye Centre, (one week residency, two performances) St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh, for Theatre Workshop (one week residency with two performances) Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol Visuele Musiekesdaage Festival, Shaffy Theater, Amsterdam Ooyevaer Musick Festival, Belgium Tn C & Air’, ICA commission (two weeks of performances) Festival of Animated Darkness, South Shields November sth Firework Display/performance, London Borough of Tower Hamlets The Fridge, Brixton, for London film Maker’s Co-op Anniversary □

Selected press quotes The Bow Gamelan Ensemble... is the most stunning cross media project of this decade. City Limits Their tumult of noise flames and smoke was entertaining provocative and insidiously hellish. The Guardian Gloriously inventive, riotously funny and completely accessible. City Limits The sheer scale of the thing is a delight to behold... the smoke and light constantly create a strange beauty where you would never have expected to find it. The Sunday Times Brilliant... Brilliant... A faster vocabulary of sound than the rock noisists can conceive 0f... Brilliant Melody Maker Both visually and aurally stunning. The Independent A harangue, a polemic, an education: noise, lights, smells, fire and flood. Go. New Musical Express Veering from beauty to horror, the spectacle is utterly and literally stunning. Time Out