
EROTIC REQUIEM FOR THE PURIFICATION OF THE WORLD ... The profesionalism of these actors has gone beyond the test of a score performed with talent and scrupulousness, because each actor separately and all together have taken our breath away, watching them for more than two hours, without any pause, how they bind and unbind, in a carnal ritual, but also ancestral, the sense of the living; the rhytmic graduation, a master distribution of silence followed and intersected by sounds, cries, tuneful parts, speeches with a perfectly tuned musicality with imagistic sonorities, all doubled by a permanent game of the feelings in a very wide range, between tragic-and comic. The amazing performance of Hie .Gheorghe covering by symbiosis the role of the narrator and of the demonic instance; the masterliness of the production works on all the sides of the esthetic demonstration, reaching a climax in the rhythmic orchestration of the scenic elements, where Verdi's Requiem interferes with the narrative line of the juicy stories of the »Decameron«, reflected in the same rhythm in the expressivity of the acting... ■ Olivia Sireany Chirvasiu, »Tineretui liber«, Bucuresti.

ABOUT THE DECAMERON A moving performance through the profound truth about live, revealed into a satiric and ironic key specific to the author of the Decameron and in a Purcarete style. There already exists a »Purcarete style«. The theatrical signs used (including the actor and everything that belongs to him...) as simple and essentialized as they are penetrating through their force of suggesting a human universe proposed by the author with art and authentic discretion. A total performance, with

specific feature in the Romanian theatre. Hie Gheorghe in the role of the narrator (The Wizard, the creator and moulder of life) has a brilliant performance, and the rest seconds him in symbiosis which reaches the perfection. Those who have the opportunity to see this show may consider themselves happy! ■ Dimitrie Roman - »Culise«, magazine edited at the Theatre - Image Festival, Satu Mare.

... Fancy parades, convoys, solemn feasts and silent sarabands. Extraordinarily immaginative, the director changes the structure, the presentation and the tonus of each episode. There aren't two of the same kind. But the unity of the style is perfect. And the finesse of the acting, surprising for such a young team inwhich there are also non - professionists. The show is licentious because so is the Decameron. But not vulgar. Without obscenities. A naked girl in a night setting, a woman who gives her opulent breast, a moment of sleep of two lovers, the final dance of the naked young people really are shocking moments. But this is the spirit of the text. The beauty of the show belongs to such moments as well - which are artistically done in an exemplary manner, (...) Silviu Purcarete has done, with thirteen actors each of them having several roles, with the same availability and softness - maybe the most refined and subtle performance of the theatrical season. It is a pleasure to see a scenic performance, created in such an academic manner. The »Anton Rann« theatre in Rimnicu Vilcea suggests it to you with legitimate pride as a reference point of the artistic year... ■ Valentin Silvestru, »Libertatea«, Bucuresti.