
version of the traditional clown. But this clown is not the flour faced clown of a Harcéi Marcean, showing ns how we should be; someone who is successful in everything, who is clean and who never accidentally steps into a bucketful of water. Sofa Trios clown is a clown with a pock - marked face, stumbling about, trying to join in everything, but ending up doing nothing or doing everything wrong. He is Dummer August (Stupid Augustus) who stands dumbly at the edge of the stage in The Sofa, while a heavy suitcase falls on his head, out of blue; he is also the one who, in the finale of The Chocolate Legend, is sitting in the

audience, front centre, on a sofa dressed up as Christmas tree, gazing at nothing until the last person leaves the room. His gaze is directed forward in both productions, but he is not looking at anything. Or is he looking at Nothing and understanding Everything? He is not laughing, he is rather laughed at. Because »the clown is different from ns. We are laughing at him because he is different. We are strong and healthy - he is deformed, disabled and a nobody. Other peoples humiliation adds to our own radiating,


shining sense of being«. ■
