
Kako živeti

Volcano theatre Kardif (Vels) Velika Britanija KAKO ŽIVETI (How to Live) Prevod: Michael Meyer Režija: Nigel Charnock Dizajn predstave i osvetljenje: Andrew Jones Adaptacija: Nigel Charnock Konstrukcija dekora: Roy Jones Administracija: Heidi Theressa Jones Učestvuju: Jane Arnfield, Paul Davies, Richard Ryder i Fern Smith. Predstava je bazirana na sledećim Ibsenovim komadima: Brand, Nora, Majsfor gradifelj, Mali Ejolf, Kad se mrtvi probude, Heda Gabier i Neprijafelj naroda. Posebna zahvalnost Spenseru Hazelu, Simonu Thorpu i Rachel Keene. Zahvalnost dugujemo i Michaelu Meyeru za njegove prevode i Ibsenovu biografiju. ■

Učešće predstave Kako živefi na 29. Bitefu pomogao je Britanski savet. ■

HOW TO LIVE - WHAT THE PAPERS SAY »Nigel Charnock is at work again fiercely chopping up classic texts and slamming them against the sweat and the thrust of forthright physicality... Their

most succesful work so far.« ■ The Times »Nigel Charnock je ponovo na delu: nemilosrdno cepa klasične tekstove i spaja ih u znoju i pod pritiskom otvorene telesnosti... Njihovo do sada najuspešnije delo.« ■ The Times

»Performed with a truly electrifying speed and the same blend of guts and precision that marks the company's movement style.« ■ The Independent »Izvedeno s pravom svetlosnom brzinom i onom mešavinom nrabrosti preciznosti, koji obležavaju stil pokreta ove družine.« ■ The Independent

»Excellent... and often hilarious... it succeeds in delighting its audience.« ■ The Scotsman »Oalično... i često do suza smešno... uspeva da oduševi gledaoce.« ■ The Scotsman

»Volcano do Ibsen. Anyone who saw them apply their startling physical theatre and affectionate parody to Shakespeare's sonnets in L.O.V.E. will nave some idea of what to expect. It is sweaty, raunchy, hilarious and immensely clever... a masterpiece of comic exaggeration.« ■ The Herald »Volcano radi Ibsena. Ko god ih je video kako svoje