
In the Center for cultural decontamination she directed "Macbeth/It" by William Shakespeare, music by Zoran Eric. In 1998, she directed "Alzheimer", a personal and collective biography of the last ten years. "The Trial" by Sonja Vukicevic (F. Kafka, music by Z. Eric) debuted on 25th of April, 1998, as the last element in her trilogy. "Macbeth/It" was invited to several festivals including Podgorica (Fiat), Budva (Budva - Theatre City), Cetinje (Biennale of Cetinje), in Slovenia - Ptuj and Koper (Ptuj and Koper Summer festival). In Germany - Erfurt (Via Regia) and Mülheim (Theater AD Ruhr Theaterlandschaft Post Yugoslawien). "Alzheimer" and "The Trial" were performed in

Stockholm - Cultural Capital of Europe 1998. Sonja Vukićević was the first recipient of the "Dimitrije Parlić" award for lifetime achievement. FRAGMENTS FROM THE TRIAL I can not say that you are accused or rather I do not know if you are accused. You are arrested, that is all I know. I, Joseph K. It is better to leave things with us than in the depository. In the depository embezzlements are frequent. Why you are arrested. How can that be? And in this was, too. What sort of people are they? What are they talking about? What authority do they represent? Here are my documents. Their confidence derives from their stupidity. You the clerks. None of you has a uniform unless I call a uniform that suit, but it is more like a tourist suit. There are so many paths here. I have been accused and I cannot find the guilt, which would justify it. Your arrest looks to me as a learned thing, it looks to me as a learned thing which is not within my grasp, that's true, but it needs not be within anyone's grasp. Easy audience applauds straightaway. They send second-rate actors after me. What theatre do you play at? They could be tenors. Where is the judge, where is the august court. There is no doubt that in my case behind all the proceedings of this court, behind the arrest and my interrogation, there is some big organization. An organization employing people of scant inteligence. The purpose of the big organization consists in arresting innocent people. You are the corrupt gang against which I spoke, you've