
Od 1992. godine radim sa učenicima srednjih škola iz Ravene na pozorišnim tekstovima. To nije prava pozorišna škola, to je neškola, prema definiciji Cristine Ventracci, pozorišnog kritičara. Mi smo ostvarili kratak spoj između teatarske tradicije і nevinosti tih mladih Ijudi koji nikad nisu išli u pozorište, smatrajući ga nekom vrstom fizičke kazne. Mi ih ne podučavamo glumi, već raščlanjavamo stare tekstove, razbijamo ih na komade zajedno sa ovim mladim Ijudima і razotkrivamo njihovo živo meso. Ishod je varvarski i obilan: Aristofanovi prostački izrazi ponovo postaju životní u ustima ovih petnaestogodišnjaka; čini se da su napisani koliko juče. Odrasli u predgrađima Ravene, tinejdžeri prihvataju Sofoklove "satire u lovu" bez potrebe za filološkim razjašnjenjima, koristeći sopstveni dijalekat i svoj status satira iz predgrada. Na početku je bilo samo tridesetak mladih učesnika. Danas više od tri stotine tinejdžera radi sa nama u neškolí. Marco Martinelli

Since 1992 I work with students of the high schools of Ravenna on theatrical texts. It isn't a real shool of theatre, it's a no-school, according to the definition of Cristina Ventracci, theatre critic.We put in a short circuit the theatrical tradition and the virginity of those people who are never gone to theatre, of those who consider theatre like a corporal punishment. We don’t teach anything: we grind the old texts, we break them to pieces with those young people, we discover their living flesh. The result is barbarous, fertile: Aristophane' s obscenities take a sense in the mouths of those fifteenyears-old people; they seem as they were written yesterday, now even. The teenagers grown up in Ravenna's suburbs hold the "hunting satyrs" by Sophocle without philology, using their own dialect and their condition of suburban satyrs. There are more than three-hundred teenagers working with us in the noschool .