Činilo mi se da smo 1991. dotakli dno. Tada sam prvi put pomislio na Dimitrijevu rečenicuH'Biće rata, bice rata". Narednih deset godina živeli smo lažni mir nedeljnih jutara. Godine 2000. pomislih na Marijinu rečenicu: "Dosta i ovakvog mira”. Divlje meso je priča koju ja krišom pričam u sebi, plašeći se da bi neko mogao da me čuje I da mi razbije glavu. Koliko puta sam poželeo da ödem odavde, da se odlepim od ovog lepka, od ovog plemena, da se odreknem svojih, da presečem pupčanu vrpcu, da se predam nekom ko će da me odvede negde daleko, daleko, negde gde mogu da zaboravim šta sam bio I kome sam pripadao, Zašto nisam otišao? 11l zašto sam se vratio? Da II sam ja Stevo Hi Dimitrije? Pre nego što de da umre, Simon je rekao Stevi da je on znao tajnu, a nije želeo da je kaže drugima. Stevo je znao tajnu? Nije je znao, zato što nije napisana u ovoj drami. Tajnu zna Mihajlo u Letu u mestu. “Nauči da letiš. Nikud nećeš poleteti ako letiš u mestu. Ali, ako imaš malo strasti I sreće, mesto de poleteti sa tobom." Znam da zarad velikih ciljeva I interesa moramo da potpišemo sve dogovore koje nam danas nudi neprijatelj, ne bismo II postali deo velikog sveta, kome istorijski pripadamo I kome tako silno težimo, aii znam da su to samo birokratski trzaji naši h života. Kad sve to prođe, ova zemlja će još uvek postojati, samo nas neće biti. Poginućemo u nekoj rupi, poješće nas crvi, ime će nam se zatreti, neće ostati ni traga od nas. DIMITRIJE Suza nemam da vas oplačem koliko ste za plakanje. Aleksandar Popovski ... The 19915 t it seemed to me that we were toudhing the bottom. For the first time then I thought of the sentence spoken by Dimitria; - “there will be war, there will be war".
The following ten years we lived the false piece of the Sunday mornings. The 2000th i thought of Maria's sentence - "enough of peace like this” Proud flesh is a story that we secretly tell ourselves at the same time being afraid that someone could hear us and split our head. How many times have I wished to leave this place, to unstuck myself from this stickiness. From this tribe, to give up my relatives, to cut the umbilical cord, to surrender to some Klaus who would take me somewhere far away, far away where i can forget what I've been and to whom I've belonged. Why haven't I gone? Or, why have I come back? Am I Stevo or Dimitrija? Before dieing, Simon says to Stevo that he had known the secret but wouldn't tell it to the others. Stevo doesn't know the secret, he doesn't know it because it isn't written down in this play. Mihajlo knows the secret in Flying on the Spot. “Learn to fly. You'll never be able to fly, you'll fly on the spot but if you have a little bit of luck or passion the spot will fly with you." I know that because of the high aims and interests, we'll have to sign all agreements offered to us by Klaus today to become a part of the big world to which we historically belong and toward which we so strongly strive for, but I am aware that those are only the administrative moments of our lives. When all of this ends, this land will still be. It's only us that will not exist. We'll perish in some holes, eaten away by cobyebs, our name will vanish, and not a trace would be left. DIMITRIJA I haven't enough tears for the pity you deserve.
Aleksandar Popovski