
smrtJ rukopls bio u obllku kojl je BQchner sam smatrao uglavnom konačnlm, njegova se porodlca duže od četrdest godlna uporno protlvlla ob|avl)lvan)u njegovlh rukoplsa, Kad je sedamdesetlh godlna XIX veka plscu Karlu Emilu Franzosu najzad dopušten prlslup mkoplsu, plsmo je tollko Izbledelo da se same korlšćenjem hemljsklh sredstava mogao odgonetnutl tekst. Stranlce nlsu bile obeležene brojevlma I gomlla llstova na kojlma Je Vojcek bio naplaan bila je u vellkom neredu. Oslm toga, hemijska tečnost je oiStetlla hartlju. Drugačlje rečeno, nlkad nlje bllo mogućno obnovltl konačnl tekst Vojceka. Svaka nova verzlja Vojceka, prema tome, plod Je nekog Izbora, nekakva adaptaclja raspoložlvlh rukoplsa. Tekst kojl ml Igramo u Pozorlitu “Betty Nansen" adaptlrall su stalnl dramatug Roberta Wllsona Wolfgang Wiens I njegov dugogodlšnjl redltelj AnnChrlstln Rommen. ROBERT WILSON (RODEN 1941) On je kao Leonardo da Vlnčl. Redltelj, Igrač, fantastlčan sllkar. Naučlo me Je zalsta mnogo čemu. Uzeo bl komad hartlje vellčlne kutlje šlblca I smlsllo čltavu scenu; scenograflju, osvetljenje, sve. Ako ugleda drvo koje mu se dopadne, on ga naerta, zahteva da se napravl tačna koplja I Iste vederl stavlja ga na scenu. Jedne večerl vrlo kasno, dok smo Ispljall plće I razgovarall, odlgrao ml )e celu poslednju scenu Šeksplrovog Kralja Lira. Najzad je uzeo neke stare novlne, zgužvao Ih u loptu I baclo u vazduh da bl lagano padale. Skuplo se na podu tačno na mestu gde su novlne pale. Takve stvarl stalno radi. Robert Wilson je rođen u Vaku u Teksasu I dlplomlrao je arhltekturu na Teksas unlverzltetu I bruWlnskom Pratt Instltutu. Studlrao je I umetnost kod Georg McNella u Parlzu, potom je radio sa arhltektom Paolom Solarljem u Arlzonl. Kad se smestlo u Njujorku sredlnom šezdesetlh, Wilson se brzo

Wilson achieved International recognition with his first "silent opera" Deafman Glance , which he created together with his adoptive child, the deaf-mute boy Raymond Andrews, French surrealist Louis Arragon thanked Wilson In a letter, writing, "You are that which we dreamed would come after us; that which would reach ahead of and beyond our work." In the following years, Wilson continued to explore the boundaries of language. The result among other things was another "silent opera", the 12 hour long performance The Life and Times of Josef Stalin, which did not rub Its audience the right way. On the contrary it made them walk out under protest, especially at Det Ny Teater In Copenhagen where the performance played in the middle of the 1970'5. Robert Wilson's breakthrough In relation to the general public came with the ground-breaking opera, Einstein on the Beach with music composed by Philip Glass. Einstein on the Beach was performed at the Avignon Festival and at the Metropolitan Opera House In New York, at 10. BITEF 1976. In 1984 and 1992 It went on world tour. Thus the way through the theatrical landscape of Europe was paved tor Robert Wilson, and his performances are often featured at among others the Festival d'Automne In Paris, Thalia Theater In Hamburg, and Schaubuhne In Berlin. In Denmark, Robert Wilson Is mostly known tor the musical The Black Rider which was made as the first part of a trilogy tor Thalia Theater. The two other plays In the trilogy are Alice and Time Rocker. The Black Rider which Is made In collaboration with musician Tom Walts and poet William S. Burroughs Is a fantastic picture fable which now goes from strenght all over Europe, Last year the critically acclaimed version by director Katrine Wiedemann and painter Michael Kvlum had a successful run at Betty Nansen Teatret. Together with German dramatist Helner Muller he has created the performances the CIVIL warS, Hamletmaschine and Quartet. Singer David Byrne had a role In Wilson's The Knee Plays from the CIVIL warS and later on In The Forest which was created on the occasion of Berlin's 750-year city jubilee. In Cosmopolitan Greetings Wilson's collaborator was poet Alien Ginsberg, and together with performance artist Laurie Anderson Wilson has Interpreted Euripides' Alcestis. Recently, he has worked In harness with author Susan Sontag In connection with the performance Lady frrom the Sea, a elaboration which began with Alice In Bed. Wilson's latest collaboration was with singer Lou Reed In Time Rocker and In the performance Poe-try. Since 1992, Wilson has been in charge of his own cultural factory, Watermill Center, on Long Island In New York. It Is an International groundbreaking Institute for the development and creation of new