
Nedavno je tesno sarađlvao sa splsateljlcom Susan Sontag u predstavl Lady from the Sea, a ta saradnja Je započela s Alice in Bed. Robert Wilson Je upravo radio s pevačem Lou Reedom na predstavama Time Rocker I Poe-try. Od 1992. Wilson Je direktor sopstvene kulturne radlonlce Watermill Center na Long AJlendu, u NJujorku, koja služl kao medunarodnl eksperimentalnl Instltut za razvoj I za nova ostvarenja u oblastl pozorišta, muzlke, plesa I vizuelnlh umetnostl. WILSON UKRATKO Pozorlšne predstave; The King of Spain, 1969; The Life and Times of Sigmund Freud, 1969; Deaf man Glance, 1971; KA MOUNTain and GUARDenia Terrace, 1972; The Life and Times of Josef Statin, 1973; A Letter for Queen Victoria, 1974/75; Einstein on the Beach, 1976; death, destruction anddetroit, 1979; Great Day in the Morning, 1982; the CIVIL warS: a tree is best measured when it is down, 1984; Alcestis, 1986; Hamletmaschine, 1986; Quartet, 1987; death, destruction and detroit 11, 1987; The Forest, 1988; Cosmopolitan Greetings, 1988; The Black Rider, 1991; Alice 1992; Alice in Bed, 1993; Time Rocker, 1996; Lady from the Sea, 1998; Scourge of Hyacinths, 1999; THE DAYS BEFORE: death, destruction and detroit 111, 1999; Poe-try, februar 2000; Woyzeck, novembar 2000. Režlje klaslčnih opera; Vagner, Perslfal, Hamburg 1991; Mocart, Čarobna frula, Pariz 1991; Vagner, Loengrin, Clrlh 1991.1 Njujork 1998; Pučlnl, Madam Baterflaj, Pariz 1993-1997; Vagner, Prsten Nibelunga, oktobar 2000. Režija I lumačenje klaslčnlh drama; Orlando Vlrdžlnlje Vulf, 1989. 1 1996; Bolest smrti Margerlt Dlras, 1991. I 1996; Aveti Henrlka Ibzena, 1991.11996; DoktorFaustpati svetlost, 1992; Četih sveca u tri čina, 1996. I Sveci i pevanje Gertrude Stein, 1997. I Orfej i Alkesta Gluka, 1999. KATHLEEN BRENNAN Kathleen Brennan dvadeset godlna sarađuje sa svojlm mužem Tomom Waltsom u oblastl muzlke, snlmanja, fllma I pozorlšta. Na Vojceku već drugl put radl a Robertom Wllsonom I Tomom Waltsom; prva saradnja Je blla na predstavl Alice. All Kathleen Brennan Je pre svega majka porodlce. Oslm toga, objavlla Je pesme I novele I radl kao novlnar. “Kathleen I Ja smo ping et pong. Ja Je zovem 'ping', ona mene zove 'pong'. Kad se kaže da stvaramo operu, to Je kao kad sedmogodlšnje dete kaže; Tata, odlazlm za Vašlngton', a odgovara mu se: Razume se, mall mo), samo tl Idl 1 . Smestlmo se u Jednu sobu I postoji samo ping... 1... pong. Tako se radaju pesme."

ROBERT WILSON ON TOM WAITS Tom Waits was born in Pomona outside Los Angeles. Tha American songwriter, guitarist, singer and pianist has never seriously troubled the charts or MTV with his presence. On the other hand he has a small yet fanatic faithful audience from all age groups, Walts Is definitely the most original and earnest artist of fringe rock with a sound, a voice, and a presence that is completely unique. On today's music scene Walts can be likened to an old theatre surrounded by modern buildings. For although he Is a hip name to drop In certain circles, his Jangling expressionist music Is Inspired by and composed of several surces of Inspiration which are almost unkown to the modern music consumer. Since Walls released the groundbreaking album Swordfish Trombones In 1983 he has explored more or less the same territory on 8 albums. The song forms are often as old as the period Itself; Blues, folk songs, ballads, ragtime, broadsides, lullabies, mazurkas, show tunes, waltzes, mad cabaret In the style of Kurt Weill, and movie music mixed with Walts’ own lopsided temper. And every song has a patina that Is steamy with suspicion against all that Is digital and modern. The sound often has a distinct 10-fi textures which has been quite trend-setting. Remarkably often, the result is great art but not In a wide-screen sense. More like a gritty black and white production that just happens to tell an inescapable story. Walts' art cherishes in part a lost America, a mythical country which can still be found In literature, on film, and in painting - as well as In the forgotten small towns far from the big cities of America. In that respect he has a lot In common with his first two big heroes, author Jack Kerouac and songwriter Bob Dylan. Their art expresses a longing for phenomena which modernity has either razed out or forced out Into the peripheral regions. From Mark Twain to William S. Burroughs, from Frank Capra to Martin Scorsese Tom Walts knows and uses the best and the weirdest which the American cauldron has produced... In the years of his youth he wrote a number of melancholy love ballads about women named Martha, Rosie, Ruby, or whatever their names were until he fell In love with Coppola's script editor, Kathleen Brennan whom he married In 1980. The couple Is still together, they three children and live In Santa Rosa In Northern California. Tom Waits' text universe has always had a touch of theatre about It. Since the soft-pedalled debut Closing Time he has managed to conjure up scenarios that are easily developed Into drama. It Is typical that when he tried his fortune as a dramatist together with Brennan the result was the play (or opera as he called It) Franks Wild Years based upon the song of the same name. In Its original form merely a sketch, a recital about a man gets fed up with his wife, his house, and his dog and leaves them, having burnt the house to the ground. Subtitling It Un Operachi Romantico in Two Acts Waits and Brennan developed the theme throughout the 17 songs that formed the core of the play which was performed by the Steppenwoif Theater Company for three months In Chicago In the summer of 1986. Walts and Brennan's first choice tor the role as director was the legendary Robert Wilson. He was by no means uninterested but