
shown in front of her. She was astounded. She reached to take the treasure, but at that moment the gold coins fell down, turning into coal - into soil. GJORGI JOLEVSKI Born in Bitola, 1954, graduated at FDA Skopje, employed in Macedonian National Theatre Skopje. Specialization in Great Britain and U.S.A. Memorable roles: Hamlet in "Hamlet", Mephistopheles in "Faust", Caligula in "Caligula", Estragon in "Waiting for Godot", Ariel in "Storm". 1991 Sterija's award for a best male role in "Underground Republic". GABRIELA PETRUSEVSKA Born in Kumanovo 1975, graduated at FDA Skopje, employed in Bitola National Theatre. Significant roles; Maggie in "Cat on a bot tin roof", Cveta in "Bloody Macedonian Wedding", Catherine in "Taming of the Shrew", Natasha in "On the bottom", Judmila in “Vasa Zeleznova", Catherine in "Water memories". IVAN JERCIK "Born at the right time, 1977. Sign: Virgo. Roles: love, Turkish, all kinds. All around me now are my friends - colleges. That's why I love the theatre. Monex kills you, but you can't live without it. I am in love with one Salome, she will probably cut my head off one day..." JU LI JAN A MIRCEVSKA Born in Stip, 1978, graduated actor at FDA Skopje, 2001, department of Prof. Vladimir Milcin. She has played nine roles, we will stand out those in the following plays: "Übu Roi", "The case of D. Harms" and "The Cernodrinski syndrom". JUDAS HAS SOLD HIS TEACHER What made me do that in my endless thoughts, what made me lift the axe, I am facing the image when I did that and swung, with the axe and also the man as if, I am dreaming, 1 can see the same situation, I am hitting the man, he is bleeding, becoming very weak, I can see the face of Angjele, as is be says: "Father what have you done? I am your son Angjele," I am not the first victim of the money! Eeach when the man just say I can't any more that is enough, and... and farewell to life! Oooh damn money, damn be forever! You put them noose on him, you remove the noose from him... But, could you remove the noose from me? For that damn money - for 30 gold coins Judas has sold his teacher Jesus Christ to the Jewish so as to be crucified. And after that when he had a guilty consciousness he hung himself on a willow, killing himself. I am suppose to do the some..." Risto Krle