
In that sense, while seeking "the mythical pictures", I remembered that old Juvenal's maxim and named the performance Bread and Plays because, it seems that what had been said in the maxim, is what we lack most, particularly nowadays. Bread is a thing we cannot live without. But, games are also man's basic need, just like bread itself! Therefore, I have invoked "the emotional memory" through a game. 1 did that in our primeval wheat field Vojvodina, I was making up and recording the rituals related to our region, to the cult of bread, because even the Manicheans considered bread to be a metaphysical, "sur" material symbol. In the Roman civilisation bread had become the symbol of the everyday reality, "panis quotidianis", whereas according to the old Slavic custom, "a Christian should pray only for the allowance of bread predestined by the forthcoming day". Therefore, before each installation of the "theatre of dreams", we are going to give some bread to the audience in order to share it symbolicaly as a new energy, with people from all over the world. Q: This exhibition of the Panem et Circenses is reconstructing imaginary world "caught and immortalized" in one unique moment. Where does that world come from? A: Panem et Circenses is, in essence, a succession of onirical extracts, a flow of stream of consciousness of the associative images in quest of its roots, in quest of "the soul of its nation", its lost homeland, past times, the vanished world. They touch, intermingle, pervade, complement and annul, float between the heaven and Earth, between yearning and excitement, fantasy and feelings, dreams and the reality it is a quest for one's own identity. At the same time, it is an imaginary vision of life, a recollection of the "long ago forgotten ancestors" on the stage. It is a drama of one nation. It is all slightly untouchable, dead and sacred! d What was your fundamental idea.when creating your artistic work? A; My idea was to look back into the past, to evoke my imaginary vision of the world, to revive it, to touch it under the layers of the accumulated times, to take it out of the dust, to wave it into the clouds and immortalize it. To "begin to sing in the voice" of my ancestors, to speak out in the language of magnificent poetic images, intense atmospheres and passion, in a language of ritual images similar to those bizarre traditional stories, to look back into centuries-old customs of the nations bound to myths and legends, to the bread cult. My idea was to preserve

and eternalize that untouchable world of fantastic images, the world which sits silent deep inside of me, restful and dignified. It is my wish to evoke "ethnos" and reach "mythos" with the help of the body language in which centuries long energy of the historic times has been settled. I have done that in order to avoid the aggressive process of globalization of the world, the process which tends to endangers customs, culture and traditions of small nations as well as the right to be different. It threats to endangers the wealth of the world. Meanwhile, I wish the evocation of the “ethnos" were the universal story about the mythical roots of each of us, 1 wish the mythical times became everybody's time and "the soul of the nation" became a soul of every nation. The soul, in which with the ritual scenes of the body movement caught and immortalized images, powerful, deafening atmosphere, light, colour, sound and local colour, can be defined as the universal colour in which other traditions and customs can recognize themselves. Using my own, very personal opinion of the world, these imaginary scenes help me to understand other people better, to comprehend and accept the time which passes inexorably. They help me hug the whole world. Q: Many of your themes from a cycles called Pannonia Between Heaven and Earth are a reconstruction of "your dreams from the childhood", settled memories. Where do you find energy for your art? A: The Pannonian Plain, actually my native Vojvodina, is a place where the energy of historic times has been accumulated for centuries, as well as culture and civilization. Nowhere in the world can one find so many different languages, customs, and traditions mutually intermingled, impregnated, enriched in such a small area. At the same time, they are giving us the possibility to notice other experiences, to analyze and compare what has been seen, to expand our horizons and enrich our personality and ennoble our soul. In the course of time, in the particular moment of history, both people and circumstances mature, just like the fertile land of Vojvodina. The spirit of the region and the local colour in which we live, release accumulated, unseen spiritual energy which, if directed correctly, can become universal. When you come from such an area, you have both privilege and obligation to present that autochthonous superiority, with dignity, to the whole world.