Međunarodni simpozijum
KONCEPTI PROGRAM SIMPOZIJUMA Osnovni podaci PROSTOR; Rektorat Univerziteta umetnosti DATOMI: 24, i 25. septerabar 2005. RASPORED RADA: 24. septembar - 14:30 - 17:30 sesija 1 25. septembar - 11:00 - 13:00 sesija za studente i postdiplomce; 14:30 17:00 sesija 2; 17:30 - 18:30 debaca JEZIK engleski; sesija za studente i postdiplomce: engleski i srpski UREDNICI: Ana Vujanović, Miško Suvakovic u saradnji sa Aldom Milohnidem MODERATORI: Bojana Cvejić, Aldo Milohnić, Ana Vujanović; Marca Popivoda (sesija za studente i postdiplomce) UČESNICI - IZLAGAČI I UČESNICI U DEBATI: Maja Breznik (SI), Gregor Buie (SI), Klemens Gruber (A), Marion Hamm (VB), Brian Holmes (SAD, Fr), Ivana Ivković (Hr), Bojana Kunst (SI), Tomislav Medak (Hr), Aldo Milohnić (SI), Gerald Raunig (A), Asen Terziev (Bg), Nataša Velikonja/ Tatjana Greif (SI); SCG - Bojana Cvejic, Jovan Cirilov, Bojan Dordev, Milica Gudovid, Aleksandra Jovidevid, Milan Markovid, Dušan Murić, Jelena Novak, TkH, Ana Vujanovid, Miško Suvakovic; scudenaci i postdiplomci - Vlatko Hid (FDU), Jovana Mihajlovid (FPN), Miljana Perle (FMU, UU), Marta Popivoda (FDU), Iva Nenie (FMU, UU), Marija Skoko (FLU, UU), Marko Stamenković (FF, UU) Programska koncepcija Simpozijum uredujemo u saradnji sa časopisima za izvodačke umemosci: TkH (Beograd), Maska (Ljubljana) i Frakcija (Zagreb), na Regionalnoj platformi za izvođačke umetnosti THe FAMA. Izlaganja de bici objavljena u „On Artivism: Or How to Do Things with Performative Actions“, u temacskom broju Maske, u saradnji sa Frakdjom i TkH, i u „Rasprave: Artivizam ovde-i-sad“, tematskom bloku TkH, u saradnji sa Maskom i Frakdjom.. Simpozijum Artivizam sad: bajka ili stvamost“, problemski a ne tematski se oslanja na podnaslov Bitefa 39: „Do bajke i nazad“. To znači da je simpozijum, u opštem smislu, usredsređen na kritidko i analitičko ispitivanje realnih mogudnosci (da li je ostvarivo ili još samo projektovano i priželjkivano) od umetnosti očekivati neposrednu interveneiju u 'društvenu stv'arnost’. Simpozijum, preciznije, propituje estetske i političke pretpostavke dve strane ove problematike. S jedne strane, co su pretpostavke na kojima su utemeljene protesene, neposredne i druge ‘gerilske’ akeije koje nasraju u okviru savremenih akciviscičkih praksi, a, s druge strane, to su pretpostavke onih umetničkih praksi u javnom - fizidkom i virtuelnom - prosceni, koje su koncipirane kao umernidke ili paraumetničke inrerveneije u polje akruelne politike. I za pive i za druge - uglavnom performativne - prakse mogli bismo redi da se boriste tehnikama, koje su pripadnici Praškog lingvistidkog kmga nazvali „aktualizacijski efekt“ (engl. foreground effect ): korišdenjem estetskih i drugih postupaka odredena temaeika ili pojava se „akcualizira“, odnosno scavlja u prvi plan, Kao i za ranije simpozijume, osim nekoliko udesnika iz šireg inostranscva, i sada su pre svega planirani udesnici izjugoistodne Evrope, diji rad poznajemo i smatramo ga relevantnim i/ili karakceristidnim za određeni društveni, umemidki i teorijski okvir u savremenom trenutku. Pri com se izbor udesnika ne vrši ‘po kljudu’, tako da iz svake sredine neophodno bude zastupljen po neko, ved biramo one udesnike diji je rad relevanran i/ili karakteriscidan u kontekstu Regiona - bez obzira na njegove unutrašnje granite. Takva orijentaeija simpozijuma pokazuje da sve odludnije nastavljamo pokušaj identifikacije, beleženja i ponude specifidnog teorijskog diskursa (izvodadkih) umetnosti koji se poslednjih godina razvija u regionu Jugoistodne Evrope. Ana Vujanovid i Miško Suvakovic u saradnji sa Aldom Milohnidem Beograd, jul 2005.
International symposium ARTIVISM NOW: FICTION OR REALITY
CONCEPT AND PROGRAMME Basic information PLACE OF \TENUE: University of Arts, Main Building DATE: 24-25 September 2005 SCHEDULE: 24 k September - 14:30-17:30 Session I 25™ September - 11:00-13:00 Session for under- and postgraduates 14:30-17:00 Session П 17:30-18:30 Panel discussion WORKING LANGUAGES: English; for under- and postgraduates; English and Serbian EDITORS: Ana Vujanovid, Miško Suvakovic - in cooperation «ich Aldo Milohnić MODERATORS; Bojana Cvejić, Aldo Milohnid, Ana Vujanović, Marta Popivoda (under- and postgraduate session) INVITED SPEAKERS AND PARTICIPANTS: Maja Brezmk (SI); Gregor Buie (SI); Klemens Gruber (A), Marion Hamm (UK), Brian Holmes (USA/Fr), Ivana Ivkovid (Cr); Bojana Kunst (SI); Tomislav Medak (Cr); Aldo Milohnić (SI); Gerald Raunig (A); Asen Terziev (Bui); Nataša Velikonja / Tatjana Greif (SI); SMG - Bojana Cvejic, Jovan Cirilov, Bojan Dordev, Milica Gudovid, Aleksandra Jovićevićj Milan Markovid, Dušan Murić, Jelena Novak, ThH, Ana Vujanovid, Miško Suvakovic; under- and postgraduates: Vlatko Ilić (FDU); Jovana Mihajlovid (FPN); Miljana Perid (FMU, UU); Marta Popivoda (FDU); Iva Nenie (FMU, UU); Marija Skoko (FLU, UU), Marko Stamenković (FF, UU) Programme concept The symposium is organized joindy with performing arts magazines; TkH (Belgrade), Maska (Ljubljana) and Frakdja (Zagreb) in line with the FAMA - the Regional Platform for Performing Arts. The presentations will be published in “On Artivism: Or How to Do Things with Performative Actions”, the special issue of Maska in cooperation with Frakcija and TkH, and in “Debates: Arrivism Here and Now'”, the thematic part of TkH in cooperation with Maska and Frakcija. The symposium “Artivism now: Fiction or Reality'” is a problem rather chan a theme-related reference to the 39™ BITEF subride: “To the Fairy' Tale and Back”. This means that the symposium will basically focus on a critical and analytical examination of how realistic (feasible or still just planned and aspired to) it is to expect art’s direct intervention in the ‘social reality*. The symposium will, more precisely', question aesthetic and political hypotheses of the two sides to this subject. On the one hand, there are hypotheses underpinning protest, direct and ocher ‘guerrilla ‘ actions emerging within the framework of contemporary activist practices, and on the other, there are hypotheses underlying those artistic practices in the public - physical and virtual - space which are conceived as artistic or para-artistic interventions in the field of current politics. Both these practices - performative by and large - could be said to be using techniques which the members of the Prague Linguistic Circle called the “foreground effect”: aesthetic and ocher procedures allowing to shed light, i.e.” bring to the foreground’ a certain subject or phenomenon. As w'as the case with earlier symposia, in addition to several participants from farther away, it is planned to have a larger number of participants from South-Eastern Europe whose work w ; e know- and perceive as relevant and/or characterising a certain social, artistic and theoretical framework at the present rime. The choice of participants is not based on the “equitable distribution key”, i.e, a certain number of representatives per country' but rather on how relevant and/or characteristic is their work within the regional context, regardless of the borders within it. Such option demonstrates that w'e are ever more determined to try to identify', record and offer a specific theoretical discourse of (performing) arts w'hich has been evolving in South-Eastern Europe in recent y'ears. Ana Vujanovid and Miško Suvakovic - in cooperation with Aldo Milohnić Belgrade, July 2005