
As well as directing plays {La Reine verte, Casta Diva, Cinq Nô Modernes, A-6-Roc) operas ( Salomé , La Traviata et Don Giovanni) and films ( Bhakti i, Paradoxe sur le comédien) Maurice Béjart also writes, and has published a novel, a personal diary and a play. He received the Order of the Rising Sun (1986) from the Empereur Hirohito of Japan and he was named Grand Officer of the Order of the Crown by King Baudouin of the Belgians (1988). In 1993 the Japan Art Association, awarded him its prestigious Praemium Imperial Prize and the Inamori Foundation the Kyoto Prize (1999). In 1994 Maurice Béjart was elected a Free Member of the Fine Arts Academy of the French Institut In August 2002, he created a new formation for young dancers, the "Compagnie M" and a new ballet Mère Teresa et les enfants du monde with its first performance in Lausanne in 18th October 2002. in October 2003, he paid a tribute to Fellini with Ciao Federico on the occasion of his 10th death anniversary. France awarded him the title of commandeur de l'Ordre des Arts et Lettres which he received in Bern at the French ambassy.

GIL ROMAN Gil Roman was born in Alès, in the south of France, At seven he attended dance classes in Montpellier, and later became a student of the Académie Princesse Grace, Monte Carlo, directed by Marika Besobrasova. Further training followed at the Centre International de Cannes, under Rosella Flightower, José Ferran and other teachers. Joining the Ballet du XXe Siècle in 1979, Gil Roman danced in all of Maurice Béjart's works, and first attracted attention in the central role of Messe pour leTemps futur. Other successes followed in Mephisto Waltz, Le Concours, Malraux, Piaf, and above all Dibouk in which he danced the role of Flanan. In 1992 he danced in the film Paradoxe sur le Comédien directed by Maurice Béjart, and took the part of Mr. Ain Béjart's stage рlауЛб-Яос(l99l, Théâtre Vidy Lausanne). His talents as dancer and actor burst forth in other ballets such as Hamlet, Pyramide, Ring urn den Ring, La Tour, Mr. C or Le Mandarin Merveilleux, A propos de Shéhérazade, Le Presbytère ría rien perdu de son charme, ni le jardin de son éclat, Barocco Bel Canto, Mutationx, Casse-Noisette, La Route de la soie, Le Manteau, Enfant-Roi, La Lumière des eaux, La Mort du Tambour, Renard and La Flûte Enchantée. June 1997 in Lausanne, mondial production Juan YTeresa (pas de deux with Marie-Claude Pietragalla) and Dialogue de Tombre double with Christine Blanc (May 98, Lausanne). After the creation L'Habit ne fait pas le moine (1995, Lausanne), Réflexion sur Béla (1997, Lausanne) and Echographie d'une Baleine (2003, Lausanne) he presents with success an important choregraphy named Casino des Esprits for the fifty years old anniversary of Maurice Béjart company (2004, Lausanne). In December 2004, Maurice Béjart dedicates an evening performance to Gil, directing a show entitled Six characters in search of a dancer in which he presents the six most significant roles of his leading performer in the last 25 years. In 2005 he was given the"Danza & Danza Award"forthe best dancer, rewarding his interpretation of Jacques Brel in the ballet Breland Barbara. When Zarathoustra, le chant de la danse was created in 2005, in Lausanne, Maurice Béjart entrusted him with the part of Nietzsche, making the most of his talents of actor and dancer once again. Gil Roman has been Assistant Director for Béjart Ballet Lausanne since 1993. June 2006