
MILAN MARKOVIĆ Milan Markovic was born in 1978 in Belgrade. He is eligible for his Bachelor of Art finals at the Academy of Dramatic Arts, a recipient of "Josip Kulundžić" award for the play titled "The Bench" presented in Belgrade Drama Theater and directed by Goran Ruškuc. He is a member of StaniPani collective, a group that investigates alternative cultural and social patterns. Queer Belgrade collective and SFW - New Drama Group. He writes for the theater ("Good Morning, Mr. Rabbit", "Green House" "The Bench"), radio ("Аса Can't Understand That", "Double with Cheese"), he makes short and documentary films and frees billboards.


Questioning of social realities or questioning on existence of unique social reality - facing different subjective psychological, emotional and ideological realities. Is imagination, magic to believe in social alternatives or the system we live in is completely unsustainable and out of reality. Green house is a story about a group of squatters who are brutally thrown out of the space they live in by a bank. Dejan who works for the bank is enchanted by the people he meets in the green house and quits his job. Green house represents faith in the society in which people will really communicate without a need for system of control and exploitation frame, and the same time questioning that very fate.

MILENA BOGAVAC Milena Bogavac was born on September 2,1982 in Belgrade. She has completed all the course requirments at the Faculty for Dramatic Arts, department of dramaturgy. She lives in Senjak with her sister, mom, dad, a little cat called Mjacka and a giant Schnauzer called Beba. Since 1999, as a dramaturge, screenwriter, author, assistent director and performer, she has worked on more than fifteen performance, multimedia projects of DMS troupe (Drama Mental Studio). The best known among them are Torzestvo Saljapinu (a solo opera played at he National Theatre); playflashbeck@beton (Beton Hala Theatre); Silence (based on the play by S. Beckett; performed in Beton Hala, Bitef Theatre, and at several festivals including the last year’s Edinbourgh Fringe Festival); 442 (multimedia, documentary project about young artists in Belgrade and Zagreb after the Serbo-Croatian war; performed in Zagreb); YES 2 ART (street action for the opening celebration of the 36th Bitef Festival); Joy of Europe 03 (the World Children's Day, Sava Centre), Let's Talk about Life and Death (Krzysztof Bizio, Bitef Theatre, directed by Nenad Prokić)...


North Force (on the repertoire of Bitef Theatre, directed by Jelena Bogavac); Red: Sex and Consequences (on the repertoire of Bitef Theatre, directed by Jelena Bogavac); TDŽ or the First Three (published inTeatron journal, n 0.123); All the Others (a part of the omnibus September 11, created by six young writers from Serbia and Norway, presented at the National Theatre in Oslo, Norway. The same play was adapted for radio and recorded as a radio drama produced by Radio Belgrade II; it entered the selection for the Prix Europa Festival in Berlin); Dear Daddy (a play written within the NADA project, translated into English and showcased at the NEW Festival in Leeds, UK. It received the first prize at the open competition for the best contemporary play in Yugoslav Drama Theatre). The Overperfomance (a short play, presented within the Europa am park presentation, at the Theatre Biennale in Wiesbaden, Germany)...