
Recitative The strange thing about it all was that after having seen the elegant race horses, I met on my way home a whole pack of miserable critters destined to feed leeches. They were to be sucked dry till they died. What a contrast! K- Pointing In England they call me the Boy of Fortune L- Changing cards See F - Changing cards M - Grid There is so much that appears to be forgotten - and always I find it There is so much that appears to be forgotten - and always I find it There is so much that appears to be forgotten - and always 1 find it N - Dead child Light and fire Light and fire Light and fire О -Bird They are all passing away - Ail of them, all of them! They are all passing away - All of them, all of them! They are all passing away-All of them, all of them! P- Loneliness When one has sat in there with him for a moment, he asks one'May I be alone for a while?' When one has sat in there with him fora moment, he asks one'May I be alone for a while?' When one has satin there with him for a moment, he asks one'May I be alone for a while?' Q-1 only appear to be dead How far do I now have to my grave? How far do I now have to my grave? HOTEL PRO FORMA Hotel Pro Forma is a production company of performances and exhibitions. Every production is a new experiment and contains a double staging: contents and space. The architecture and the traditions of the venue are part of the performance as a co-player. Perception, perspective and themes from the world today intertwine with each other in a conceptual, visual work of art. Each production is the result of a close collaboration of professionals from many disciplines: the visual arts, architecture, music, film, literature, science, and digital media. Performers are carefully selected with a view to the qualities and qualifications required by the concept and the nature of the performance. The productions by Hotel Pro Forma are characterized by immense diversity, as the space, concept, collaborators, and performers change from one work to the next. As a"nomadic"theatre Hotel Pro Forma is in perpetual motion and always approaches reality from another angle. Reality is staged.

Hotel Pro Forma has created performances for museums, town halls and public buildings as well as for theatres in Europe, Mexico, Japan, Australia and USA. Hotel Pro Forma was established in 1985 by the artistic director and visual artist Kirsten Dehlholm. What does 'Hotel Pro Forma' mean? The name is ambiguous - and this ambiguity is important. 'Hotel' means a place where one stays for a short time, free from obligations. 'Hotel' is a place of passage, as opposed to a 'home', which is a permanent place. At first glance 'Pro Forma' would seem to denote something that does not have any real meaning. So Hotel Pro Forma is the name for the fleeting, for the nonmaintainers, for those who have realised that the old optics -the reassuring optics of linear perspective - is no longer viable. But behind this surface there is another stratum of meaning: 'Hotel ' comes from the old French 'hostel', which we know from the English word 'host', and which forms the nucleus of the word 'hospital'. It is a place of caring and catering. And 'pro forma' literally means 'for the sake of form'. So Hotel Pro Forma is a caring place for form, i.e. a place where the needs of the aesthetic experiment are catered for. And precisely this double meaning captures the essence. The point of departure is fluctuation in time and space, or, to use a different concept, 'hypercomplexity'. That the world now feels insecure not only about its external environment but also about itself. This hypercomplex state necessitates aesthetical experiments. And this is exactly what Hotel Pro Forma has done for many years. Lars Qvortrup KIRSTEN DEHLHOLM (Bom 1945) With a background in the visual arts, Kirsten Dehlholm has worked with performance art since 1977. Kirsten Dehlholm is the founder and artistic director of Hotel Pro Forma (1985-). Hotel Pro Forma is a vehicle for visual composition at the boundary of performance and exhibition. Every production is a new experiment and contains a double staging: partly of its contents and the space, and partly of the notion of theatre itself. The architecture and the traditions of the venue become part of the performance. Space is a co-player. Each production is the result of a close collaboration between professionals from many disciplines: architecture, the visual arts, music, film, poetry, dance, the natural sciences, and digital media. Performers are carefully selected with a view to the qualities and qualifications required by the concept and the nature of the performance. Hotel Pro Forma has created performances for museums, town halls and public buildings of special architectural significance as well as for theatresjn Europe, Mexico, Japan, Australia, Singapore and USA, Kirsten Dehlholm has received several awards from important Danish Arts Institutions.