
ABOUT LOTTE VAN DEN BERG Lotte van den Berg (1975) graduated as a theatre director at the Amsterdam School of Arts in 2001. Since then she has worked as a freelance director with HetToneelhuis, Huis aan de Amstel and Het Noord NederlandsToneel, among others. She won the Top Naef-prijs 2001, the Erik Vos-prijs 2004 and she was nominated for the 1000 Watt prijs in 2003 for The Hour Blue. Her performance / would like to give myself away but I don't know who to was selected for the Dutch/Belgian Theatre Festival. From August 2005, Lotte will join forces with HetToneelhuis in Antwerp. Under the artistic management of Guy Cassiers, she will further develop her theatre language. She wants to create performances about how people look at the world around them. What is the relationship between man and the world that he does not understand? In the coming years, Lotte will alternate between working on location and working in theatres. She will work with professional actors and amateurs. Performances by Lotte are characterised by a minimum of theatrical tools, acute imagery with little text and extremely authentic acting. In her work, she looks for traces of faith, hope, comfort and desire. Her inspiration includes her trip to Siberia, the work of other artists, such as the films of Tarkovski, and the performances she made with the mentally handicapped and prisoners. Lotte van den Berg creates very penetrating theatrical images on the basis of simple improvisation assignments. Lotte van den Berg: "I make theatre and always ask myself the same question; how can I create a space that you can look into without words and rules? A space where the spectator becomes a participant who can experience the performance without expectations. 1 make theatre from a desire to share. We are all different but we are all occupied by the same thing. 100 people watch a performance and together they each experience their own story. I organise meetings; between myself, an audience, between actors and serious thoughts. Man is small; life is large. We search and get lost. We panic and relax again. Everything is continually changing. Everything is always in motion. That's how I want to create, that is the subject I want for my work."