
CIRCUS HISTORY Great mechanism has something abstract within itself. There is only mechanism which makes an executioner into a victim and a victim into an executioner. The experience of murdering can not be transferred onto others. The crime is a human thing. This is a story about crime, about anatomy of crime, about dividing of crime, about gradation of crime, about circus tools of crime, about parallel movie of crime, about music of crime. I dream of a world without a crime. Sonja Vukićevič SONJA VUKIĆEVIĆ Ballet dancer, choreographer and theatre director As a member of Belgrade National Theatre Ballet she danced the complete classical and neo-classical repertoire. In that theatre she performed her most significant roles: Mirta in Giselle (choreography: Leonid Lavrovski), Darinka in Darinka's Gift (choreography: Vera Kostić), Deborah in Golem (choreography: Dimitrije Parlić), Aphrodite in Aphrodite's Triumphs (choreography: Sparemblek), Captain Hook in Peter Pan (choreography: Vera Kostic), roles in ballet performances Afternoon of a Faun (choreography: Duško Trninić) and Ohrid Legend (choreography: Dimitrije Parlić), as well as the ballet divertisment in opera Carmen. She was awarded for all these roles. She also performed important roles in other ballet centres of the former Yugoslavia: Rijeka (Salome, choreography: Miljenko Štambuk), Ljubljana (Terpsihora, choreography: Vlada Logunov), Novi Sad ( Uroboros , choreography: Damir Zlatar Frej). Together with the choreographer Vera Kostic, she created the first contemporary dance performances in Serbia: Eclipse ("Zlatna kolajna" award at the Festival of Monodrama and Pantomime in Zemun, and audience award at Bitef Festival), Indira Gandhi, and Little Dreams of Walter M. She worked as a choreographer for drama performances directed by the leading theatre directors of the former and current Yugoslavia - Dušan Jovanović, Ljubiša Ristić, Haris Pašović, Gorčin Stojanović, Irfan Mensur, Ivana Vujić, Nikita Milivojević, Radmila Vojvodić, Branislav Lečić, Aleksandar Popovski, Saša Milenkovski. She also collaborated with foreign directors: C. Johnson ( King Lear) and M. Hocker ( Natio ). She did choreographies and/or performed in the productions of KPGT, an independent theatre company: Simon - the Miracle Worker (directed by Haris Pašović), Road to Nicaragua (d. Haris Pašović), Noah's Ark (d. Nada Kokotović), Proust (d. Nada Kokotović) An important part of her work are her choreographies for the performances of Yugoslav Drama Theatre from Belgrade, for which she started working in the mid 1980's: Birds (d. Haris Pašović), Buffoon (d. Irfan Mensur), Last Days of Mankind (d. Gorčin Stojanović), Blue Bird (d. Irfan Mensur), Nijinsky (d. Irfan Mensur), Mein Kampf (d. Gorčin Stojanović), Salome (d. Roman Viktjuk). For these performances she received several annual awards of Yugoslav Drama Theatre. She danced on the last Youth Day parade. For the first edition of the International Festival in Cividale, together with the director Ivana Vujić she created the performance Medea, based on the play by Arpad Gene. With these performances she toured to Moscow, Odessa, Thessaloniki, Szeged, Lausanne, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Madrid, New York, and Mexico City. In the mid 1990's she has begun her solo career as a choreographer and director in the Centre for Cultural