
Decontamination in Belgrade. In that theatre she created four independent projects: Macbeth/ONO (1996) based on the tragedy by William Shakespeare, to the music by Zoran Eric; Alzheimer (1998); Process, based on the novel by Franz Kafka, to the music by Zoran Eric (1998); Midsummer Night's Darkness, based on the comedy Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare (1999), These performances toured to several noted international manifestations in the country and abroad: Macbeth/ONO toured to Podgorica (Fiat), Budva (Budva - City Theatre), Cetinje (Cetinje Biennale), Ptuj and Kopar (summer festivals in Ptuj and Kopar), Germany - Erfurt (Via Regia) and Milheim (Theater AD Ruhr Theaterlandschaft Post Yugoslawien); Alzheimer and Process were shown in Stockholm (Stockholm'9B - Cultural Capital of Europe) and Skopje; Process was the only Yugoslav performance on Bitefin 1998, and it was also performed in London (GateTheatre) and Bologna (Teatri di Vita) 1999. Midsummer Night's Darkness premiered at Bitef Festival in 1999. Her set design for the performance Process was presented at Future Show in Bologna, together with the works of six leading world designers, and then became a part of the permanent exhibition of this manifestation. Sonja Vukićević was the first recipient of"Dimitrije Parlić" award for the best national choreography. She acted in the movies: Tango is a Sad Thought to be Danced (directed by Puriša Đorđević), Vukovar (directed by Boro Draskovic) and Italian co-production Quo Vadis. Lately, she has worked more frequently as a sculptor: in 2001 she had an exhibition of sculptures with the actress Cvijeta Mesić in Atelje 212. She exhibited her sculptures, together with the works of the painter Slobodan Mijin, as a part of the performance Cracks (Bitef Theatre, 2005) in which, besides her, also appeared actress Hristina Popovic Mijin. This performance toured to Puf Festival in Pula. She conceived and realized the performance Tango of Eternity, for the opening ceremony of the 50th, jubilee edition of Sterijino Pozorje in Novi Sad (May 2005). She collaborates actively with the director Tomaž Pandur. She performed in his productions Dictionary of the Khazars and One Hundred Minutes, as well as in the several months long preparations for the project Caligula, based on the play by A. Camus. With One Hundred Minutes she toured to the festival in Cividale, and went on a two months long tour throughout Spain, from Tenerife to Madrid. After a suggestion of Ms. Vida Ognjenovic, she is now directing her first production in the forty-year long history of this festival, the project Circus History.

"Choreographer Sonja Vukićević calls her dance theatre drama in motion, because the most important aspect of her work is to isolate the dramatic essence from the literature she is adapting for stage (Shakespeare, Kafka, etc). Therefore, there are no choreographic illustrations in her work, on the contrary, she creates an integral, succinct, metaphorical and powerful stage language. This theatrical language is characterized by the scenic minimalism, neurotic rhythm, spasmodic pulsating of the body, and dehumanized repetitiveness of the movement. The projects of Sonja Vukićević [Macbeth, Process, Midsummer Night's Darkness) are not only an exploration of the means of expression pertaining to theatre and dance, but are also socially engaged, in a powerful and enduring way." Ivan Medenica, "Theater Heute", November 2000