


and the realisation that life takes place in a seemingly virtual space yet with all our biological and sociological "bodies", with all the baggage, ballasts, gifts... with all that "matter" that we drag from memory to memories, from furniture factories, warm beds, wardrobes... to our rooms, closets, suitcases, shelves... from public to private, from everyone's/no one's to someone's... those things travel from one meaning to another and we all leave a mark, some as happy and some as sad individuals, as losers or as heirs... those things seem always to be before our doors and testifying... through different "doors"the performers bring them onto the stage where they do not seem to act or speak the memorized text but to honestly live their stories, act for the audience, with the audience, become audience and use our real, genuine experience to bring art back into our lives. Sten is a character made of various separate identities, subjects who took no notice of the call from the top echelons of the society to obey, to submit, to agree to sympathy, to calmly go to work, produce and last while they are needed... and then to disappear suddenly from that social hegemony and be left only with a pile of things which they don't know what to do with because there is no more room left for their life... Sten doesn't choose to make a spectacle, he leaves quietly in a kind of fade-out... he dematerialises and chooses a new, different space in-between, a gap between the existential need to exercise freedom and to exist in a community. This project addresses life and deviation from it and its authors are all of us. Vesna Bogunovic, theoretician of art and media