
Of ali Charlie Chaplin's children, Geraldine is probably the most successful film actress. She played in over 100 films and received many awards. Her debut before the camera was in 1952 when she was eight and when she acted, with a large number of her relatives in Limelight. However, she owes her film career largely to David Lean who discovered her in the Royal Ballet Academy in London and cast her in one of the three leading roles in Doctor Zhivago. In Chaplin, directed by Richard Attenborough, she played her grandmother Hannah. „Although I went all over the world promoting it, I'd never got to see more than the credits before being whisked away. Finally, at Cannes, I was to sit through the whole thing through. When I appeared for the first time, I fainted from the shock / and woke up in the ladies room."

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Wednesday, 24 September at 17:30 PEAKS OF ZELENGORA Direction: Zdravko Velimirovic Script: Mladen Oljaca, Durica Labovic, Zdravko Velimirovic Cast: Sergei Bondarchuk, Bata Zivojinovic, Josephine Chaplin, Voja Miric

iz filma Vrhovi Zeleng ir^


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