

banke - Muzicki teatardanas (MusikTheater Heute, Akademie der Deutschen Bank), u okviru kojeje slusao interpretativne kurseve najvecih dirigenata danasnjice. Sa grupom prijatelja pokrenuo je 1996. godine Muzicko pozoriste u nezavisnoj produkciji Cinema REX-a, Kulturnog centra Radija 892. Dirigovao je Mocartov zingspil Bastijen i Bastijena, sa kojim je 1996. gostovao na festivalima Grad teatar Budva i Bitef (prateci program Alter-Image). Siede projetai Lutkarsko pozoriste Majstora Pedra Manuela de Falje na Bemusu 1997, Pjero mesecar Arnolda Senberga na Medunarodnoj tribini kompozitora 1998, kao i Pricaovojniku Igora Stravinskog u Beton hali 2000. godine. Na Bemusu 2001. izveo je, sa festivalskim ansamblom, Pesmu о zemlji Gustava Malera u Senbergovoj orkestraciji. Godine 2002. debitovao je kao dirigent u Nemackoj sa Berlinskim simfonicarima (Berliner Symphoniker), sa kojima je vise puta nastupio u prethodnim sezonama. Dirigovao je premijernim izvodenjem opéré Anje Dordevic Nards iEho na Bemusu 2002. Od osnivanja Beogradskog medunarodnog celo festa redovno nastupa na torn festivalu sa Gudacima Sv. Dorda i vodecim celistima sveta. Otvorio je Bemus 2004. beogradskom premijerom opere Zora D. Isidore Zebeljan. Godine 2005. debitovao je sa Beogradskom filharmonijom. Ove godine dirigovao je scenskom kantatom Atlas kompozitorke Anje Dordevic u produkciji Jugokoncerta. Od avgusta 2006. radi kao korepetitor i dirigent u operi u Nordhojzenu, Nemacka.

DON GIOVANNI - A COMPOSITION OF BODIES, SOUNDS, LIGHT AND MOVEMENTS Find The Opera! you have to search for it, she won't come presenting itself to you. For Don Giovanni to exit the theatre stage means to breakaway from a closed territory-just like from marriage... marriage! to engage is to promise oneself to someone else. Who couldn't help breaking such a promise? says Giovanni, and the pursuit of his desire for pleasure makes him move and expand, conquer ever new territories. We sought a space that greatly exceeds a theatre stage, so that we could animate - and illuminate it - part by part from moment to moment, make it perform in so far as the perception of it can change. Where are we and where are the voices and bodies singing and moving to make us move? The performance is the very motion which emerges in between the performers and the audience in changing relations, affinities and distances. A choreography of voices and bodies, of what can be seen and what can be heard, of narrative and more abstract physical expressions. Size matters, in as much as movement does, from how close, small, almost imperceptible, intimate, from within the singing body to how big, exterior and far it gets. The spectator is left alone to practice some kind of athletics of the eye. Shifting gaze, it is he who frames the spectacle. Man with a movie camera. Find Don Giovanni! or the flesh incarnate of sensuous desire. From Don Giovanni we have stolen identity, which he actually never had, and mobility, which he abounds in: smooth operator! He is the music that holds everyone spellbound, the vitaiist kind of desire that shines life through the

Mozart music at Bitef: The theatre Bàbszinhéz (Budapest, Hungary) was awarded at 12 Bitef 78 for the musical show when they performed Adventures by W.A. Mozart.