
Lejdi па jedan dan - Bitef Theatre 2005, directed by Ksenija Krnajski also in Belgrade-Berlin directed by Ksenija Krnajski and Zvezdara Theatre 2005; Parazit Project Volksbühne Theater, Berlin 2005 directed by Predrag Kalaba; Pomorandžina kora - Atelje 212 2006, directed by Goran Marković; also Centre for Culture Lazarevac 2008, directed by Bojana Lazić, Üjvidéki szfnhaz 2009, directed by Kokan Mladenovićand SpeltriebeTheater-StadtOsnabrück2oo9; Ja ili neko drugi-Serbian National Theatre Novi Sad 2007, directed by Kokan Mladenović; Skočidevojka - co-production of Budva Theatre City and the Serbian National Theatre Novi Sad 2007, directed by Kokan Mladenović; Putokaz-beskrajno blizu, beskrajno daleko (Via Balkan), National Theatre Sombor2oo7, directed by Kokan Mladenović; Hamlet Hamlet Eurotrash (text and direction with Filip Vujošević) - Pozorište na Terazijama 2008; Možda smo mi Miki Maus, coproduction of the National Theatre Belgrade/Sterijino Pozorje / Bunker Ljubljana 2009, directed by Matjaž Pograjc. Awards: Borislav Mihajlović Mihiz for playwrighting; Slobodan Selenić for the best graduation play and the Sterijino Pozorje Award for the original dramatic text in 2007. VLADIMIR ALEKSIĆ Rođen 1977. godine u Zrenjaninu. Diplomirao je glumu na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu. Neposredno posle završetka studija odiazi za Itaiiju na poziv italijanskog pozorišta Motus koji vodi rediteljski tim Enriko Kaskade (Enrico Casagrande) i Danijela Nikolo (Daniela Nicolô), Sa njima je napravio nekoliko predstava od kojih su Twin Rooms i Splendid's proglašene za najbolji pozorišni projekt 2002. godine u Italiji i ponele Nagradu ÜBU. S predstavom Hotel Splendid, rađenoj prema Žanu Ženeu, Vlada Aleksić gostuje na 38 Bitefu 04. Pored teatra Motus, on sarađuje s Elenom Buči (E. Bucci), Papijem Korzikatom (Pappi Corsicato), Lisom Ferlazo Natoli (Lisa Ferlazzo Natoli), Emom Dante (Emma Dante, koja je Bitefovoj publici poznata po predstavi uPalermu koja je gostovala na 41 Bitefu 07). Vladimir Aleksić je igrao u nekoliko filmova i TV serija: II cuore nel pozzo, Albrecht Dürer, Maresciallo Rocca, Einstein, Fade to Black, Vratiće se rode, Ono kao ljubav... U Srbiji igra u predstavama pozorišta Atelje 212, Bitef teatar, Malo pozorište "Duško Radović", Beogradsko dramsko pozorište. Živi i radi na relaciji Beograd - Rim. Born 1977 in Zrenjanin. Received his degree in acting from the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. Immediately on graduation from the Academy, moved to Italy at the invitation of the Italian theater company, Motus, headed by the directorial team of Enrico Casagrande and Daniela Nicolô. Working with them, created several theater works, including Twin Rooms and Splendid's, acclaimed as Italy's best theater productions of 2002 and recipients of the ÜBU award. With the production, Hotel Splendid, based on the work of Jean Genet, was a guest artist at the 38 Bitef in 04. In addition to his work with Motus, collaborates with Elena Bucci, Pappi Corsicato, Lisa Ferlazzo Natoli, and Emma Dante, know to Bitef audiences for her work in mPalermu at the 41 Bitef 07. Has appeared in several films and television series, such as II cuore nel pozzo, Albrecht Dürer, II maresciallo Rocca, Einstein, Fade to Black, Vratiće se rode, and Ono kao ljubav. Appears in Serbia in productions of Atelje 212,


Ž1R1 43 BITEFA 09