
of the bend into Darko Rundek and Cargo Orchestra. Under the new name, the band starts a nev\ promotional tour in 2002. The basis of the album are compositions by Darko Rundek, interlacec with poetry and richness of pictures. The sound is enriched with compositions inspired with Balkan Central European and Mediterranean music. The album Ruke was released in Berlin and distributee in 25 countries. In 2004, in Zagreb, the album Zagrebačka magla, and in 2006 the album Mhm A-He Oh Yeah Da-Da was released. In the concerts that followed Darko Rundek & Cargo Orchestra mix the new and old Rundek's compositions, always maintaining the unpredictable atmosphere, good and open spirit, on concerts ir small clubs and concerts on stadions. ON SONGS In The Doll Ship the songs connect the scenes from the various periods of life of the main character irradiated with some of the (familiar) fairytales which make the scenes all more real. That's why the music is there to take the edge off a bit. So the songs can somehow il-strate in color, the old fairy tales. The intention was clear right fronr the beginnig, from Milena's directions for the choice of instruments: the flute, the guitar, the accordion and drums and we added the double-bass. Almost all the ideas about the music came up the first two times we read the plays. Luckily, some lyrics which were asymetrical at first glance found г completely natural form of a song. Some actors end up as directors, so why wouldn't one accepting the call of a director find his place as a composer for the theatre. I thank the orchestra and all the actors-singers for their friendly cooperation.

Darko Rundek