
Compagnia Virgilio Sieni, Firenca, Italija / Florence, Italy

Inspirisano Tužnim tropima Klod Levi Štrosa / Inspired by Tristes Tropiques by Claude Lévi-Strauss TUŽNI TROPI / TRISTES TROPIQUES Koncept, koreografija, scenografija / Concept, coreography, set design: Virgilio Sieni Interpretator! i saradnici / Interpretation and collaboration: Simona Bertozzi Ramona Caia Eisa De Fanti FilippaTolaro Michela Minguzzi Originalna muzika / Original music: Francesco Giomi Kostimografïja /Costumes: Lydia Sonderegger Dizajn svetla / Lighting: Virgilio Sieni, Marco Santambrogio Producenti / Producers: Bitef Theatre, La Biennale di Venezia, Berliner Festspiele | spieizeit'europa U okviru ENPARTS projekta / Within the ENPARTS project: European Network of Performing Arts with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union Ko-producenti / Coproducers; Biennale de la Danse de Lyon, Teatro Stabile di Napoli, Compagnia Virgilio Sieni

Datum / Date: 18. i 19. September, 20 h / September 18 and 19,20 h Mesto / Venue: Pozorište na Terazijama / Terazije Theatre Trajanje / Duration: 1 h


ENPARTS European Network of Performing Arts With the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union Education and Culture DG Culture Programme