
VIVIANE DE MUYNCK is best-known as one of the principal actresses in Needcompany, In the early nineties she met Jan Lauwers, artistic director of Needcompany, with whom she has since done much captivating work. She studied drama at the Conservatory in Brussels, where she was a student of Jan Deco rte, Viviane De Muynck is much in demand internationally as a guest lecturer on theatre courses and workshops. In addition to this she has taken to stage directing in Germany. In 2000 she directed the first performances of Die Vagina Monologe at the Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg, and As I Lay Dying (2003), an adaptation of William Faulkner. In 2006 she was awarded the Flemish Community Prize in the performing arts category.

ŠTAMPA О IZABELINOJ SOBi Vivijen de Mojnk, najveća živa glumica, predvodi Lauersove plesače i glumce u "tragičnoj muzičkoj komediji". Sve što je gledaodma potrebno da urade, zatvorenih, ili, pre, širom otvorenih očiju, jeste da prate Needcompany na ovom šašavom putovanju na pola puta između sna i uspomena iz detinjstva. Les Inrockuptibles, 2005