
Naravno, publika neće dod bez ikakvih očekivanja i bez velike doze voajerizma. Ne bi trebalo da pokušavamo da izbegnemo klišee; oni su deo ovog sveta, na kraju krajeva. Ono što treba da uradite jeste da koristed ih prikažete svet ispod površine, koji sadrzi mnogobrojne slojeve. Zato nam je bilo važno da publici pokažemo tugu koja se krije ispod razdraganog kabaretskog okruženja. Kad god su usamljenost i tuga bili predmet proba, osećali smo da smo dotakli nešto vrlo krhko. Nekima od nas je bilo teško da se s tim bore. Ali smo bezuslovno želeli da ukljudmo tu tugu. Time dominira Timurova priča, koja je važna metafora. Ona je ogledalo koje odzvanja lično, ne samo u glumcima već i u publici. Tuga je ispod kože, ali izranja tokom dtave predstave kao mali übodi. Predstava je cunami sukobljenih osećanja. Publika može da se poistoveti sa likovima kroz emocije koje svi prepoznaju, iako su likovi и tom trenutku transvestiti ili transseksualci. Želimo da publika, nakon snažne katarze, krene kud sa energičnim i jednostavno srećnim osećanjem. Sa novim nabojem. Ne smete uvek pokušavati da nađete odgovore na složena pitanja; ljudi ponekad samo žele da vide predstavu о lepoti ljudskih bića.

F Jan Laecke Of course, our audience will not come to the show free of expectations and a large dose of voyeurism. We shouldn't try to escape the clichés; they are part of this world, after all. What you do need to do is create it in such a way that you present a world beneath the surface that touches on multiple layers. A : г This is why it was important to us that we show our audience the sorrow that is hidden beneath the cheerful cabaret environment. Whenever loneliness and sorrow were the subject of rehearsals, we felt as if we touched upon something that was very fragile. Some of us found that very difficult to deal with. But we absolutely wanted to include that sorrow. This is where Timur's story takes over, which is an important metaphor. It is a mirror that strikes a personal chord not only in the members of the cast, but also in the audience. гra n к ск e The sorrow lies beneath the skin, but surfaces during the entire production in little pinpricks. ; The production is a tsunami of conflicting emotions. The audience can identify with the characters through emotions that everyone will recognise, even if these characters are at that moment transvestites or transsexuals. Through a powerful catharsis we want our audience to go home with an energetic and simply happy feeling. Recharged. You mustn't always try to find your answers in complex issues; sometimes people only want to see a production about the beauty of human beings