
(Alain Platel) se školovao za terapeutskog pedagoga, a radi kao samouki reditelj, koji je 1984. osnovao malu grupu sa nekoliko prijatelja i rodaka kako bi radili zajedno. Njegovu usmerenost ka režiji najavila je Emma (1988). Bio je odgovoran za Bonjour Madame (1993), La Tristeza Complice (1995) i lets op Bach (1998), koji je Les Ballets C de la В (kako se grupa sada zove) izbacio na medunarodni vrh. Ü meduvremenu je njegova saradnja sa Arneom Sierensom imala sličan uticaj na omladinsku pozorisnu trupu Victoria u Gentu, predstavama Moeder en Kind (1995), Bernadetje (1996) i Allemaal Indiaan (1999). Posle Allemaal Indiaan objavio je da prestaje da radi predstave. Medutim, übrzo posle toga Žerar Mortije ga je übedio da uradi Wolf (2003) po Mocartu za Ruhrtriennale. Horski projekat za otvaranje novog KVS označio je početak tesne saradnje sa kompozitorom Fabridom Kasolom. Predstava Vsprs (2008) bila je prekretnica u njegovoj karijeri. Do sada su njegova ostvarenja bujala od raznovrsnosti izvođača i tema, ali sada postaju dublja i intenzivnija oktrivajući svetstrasti i želje. I nasilja, kao и Nine Finger (2007) sa Benjaminom Verdronkom i Fumijom Ikedom. Posle baroknog Pitié! (2008), Out of Context (januar 2010) je gotovo asketsko razmišljanje о repertoaru grčeva i trzaja. Žudnja za nečim što transcendira pojedinca postaje sve opipljivija. Gotovo je krišom zakoračio u oblast plesnog filma sa britanskom rediteljkom Sofi Fains (Because I Sing, 2001), Ramallah! Ramallah! Ramallah! (2005) i Vsprs Show and Tell (2007) i solo sa Les Ballets de ci de là (2006), upečatljivim pogledom na ono što se dešava u dvadesetogošnjoj baletskoj trupi, dok nas vodi sve do Vijetnama i Burkine Faso, ali što je, pre svega, oda njegovom rodnom Gentu.

ALAIN PLAT6L is trained as a remedial educationalist, and is an autodidact director. In 1984 he set up a small group with a number of friends and relatives to work collectively. Emma (1988) sig-nalled his concentration on directing. He was responsible for Bonjour Madame (1993), La Tristeza Complice (1995) and lets op Bach (1998), with which Les Ballets C de la В (as the group was now called) rocketed to the international top. In the meantime his collaboration with Arne Sierens had a similar effect on the Ghent youth theatre company Victoria, with the three plays Moeder en Kind (1995), Bernadetje (1996) and Allemaal Indiaan (1999). After Allemaal Indiaan he announced that he was stopping making productions. But shortly afterwards Gerard Mortier persuaded him to do Wolf (2003) based on Mozart for the Ruhrtriennale. The choir project for the opening of the new KVS marked the start of close collaboration with the composer Fabrizio Cassol. Vsprs (2006) proved to be a turning point in his career. So far his work had been exuberant in both the diversity of performers and the themes, but now it became more profound and intense and revealed a world of passion and desire. And violence, as in Nine Finger (2007) with Benjamin Verdonck and Fumiyo Ikeda. After the baroque Pitié! (2008), Out Of Context (January 2010) is an almost ascetic reflection of the movement repertoire of spasms and tics. The yearning for something transcending the individual is becoming more and more palpable. He also almost surreptitiously entered the arena of the dance film together with the British director Sophie Fiennes (Because I Sing in 2001, Ramallah! Ramallah! Ramallah! in 2005 and VSPRS Show and Tell in 2007) and solo with Les Ballets de ci de là (2006), an impressive view of what goes on in a twenty-year-old dance company, taking us all the way to Vietnam and Burkina Faso, but also and mainly being an ode to his home town Ghent