


Milena Bogavac

13-23. September


Od svog osnivanja, 1967, Bitef je smatran pozorišnim raskršćem - mestom susreta autorskih poetika i politika umetnika sa Istoka i Zapada. U vreme Hladnog rata Bitef je, kao jedino mesto susreta za umetnike sa jedne i druge strane Berlinskog zida, utvrdio svoj značaj kao festival na kom su, u jednakoj meri, bila zastupljena delà autora sa obe strane. Danas, kada je prostor komunikadje između Istočne i Zapadne polovine sveta prohodan i otvoren, Bitef svoju ulogu „pozorisne raskrsnice" uspeva da zadrži kroz program Susreti na raskršću. Cilj ovog programa jeste da otvori prostor za diskusiju, razmenu mišljenja i iskustava, izmedu autora/ki predstava iz glavnog programa i predstavnika/ca lokalne kulturne, umetničke i naučne scene. Smisao ovih susreta jeste da se predstave izmeste iz pozorišnog konteksta u širi, drustveni. Susreti na raskršću zapravo su javne debate u kojima ućešće uzimaju autori predstava, ali i eksperti odnosno ekspertkinje u oblastima i/ili temama koje ove predstave pokrecu. Program Susreti na raskršću smišljen je kako bi se forma okruglog stola nakon odgledane predstave podigla na visu instancu. Terne diskusija u ovom programu nisu same predstave već terne koje te konkretne predstave tretiraju i problematizuju. Autori i autorke predstava iz glavnog programa, susreću se ne samo s lokalnom publikom već i sa umetnicima/cama, teoretičarima/kama i kritičarima/kama, čije je delovanje povezano sa oblastima kojima se autori predstava u svom radu bave. Raskršće može biti mesto susreta, ali i mesto razilaženja. Putevi se na njemu spajaju i razdvajaju, a svako ko se drži ličnog pravca, može izabrati smer и kom se kreće.



Milena Bogavac

September 13 th - 23 th


Since its inception in 1967, Bitef has been thought of as a sort of theatre crossroads: a meeting point of authors from the east and from the west, of their poetics and politics. During the cold war, the importance of Bitef, as a festival which equally presented authors from both sides, was confirmed. Today, when the communication between the east and the west is open and unobstructed, Bitef maintains its role of “theatre crossroads' in the form of programme Encounters at Crossroads. The ■ underlying idea is to open a space for discussion, for sharing ideas and experiences between the authors of the participating performances and representatives of the local cultural, artistic and theoretical scene. The objective of these discussions is to place theatre performances within a wider sociological context. Encounters at Crossroads are public debates in which the main participants are the authors of the festival performances but also experts in topics and/or issues tackled by the performances. The intention of the programme is to take the roundtable discussions onto a higher level. The topics do not revolve around the performances as such but around the issues they raise. The authors enter into discussion not only with-the audience but with the artists, the theoreticians and the critics whose work is closely related to the fields the authors deal with. Crossroads are places where roads come together but also diverge and all those who keep their own direction can choose which way to go.