
• Dah teatar, Beograd, Srbija NE/VIDLJIVI GRAD Muzičko-scenska predstava u autobusu Scénario i rezija; Jadranka Anđelić i Dijana Milosevic Ж 15. September, 17:00 Na autobuskoj liniji 26 (Dorćol - Braća Jerković) Trajanje: 60' u jednom pravcu (predstava se igra u oba pravca)

• Dah Theatre, Belgrade, Serbia IN/VISIBLE CITY Performance with music in a public bus Direction and dramaturgy: Jadranka Anđelić and Dijana Milosevic Ж September 15 th , 17:00 On the bus line 26 (Dorćol - Braća Jerković) Duration: 60' in one direction (the performance is played in both directions)

Projekat Ne/vidljivi grad ima za cilj promociju različitih etničkih kultura kroz međuetnički dijalog, koristeći se savremenim pozorišnim sredstvima. Projekat promoviše ljudska prava i želi da kulturu različitih etničkih zajednica Srbije učini vidljivijom. Kroz predstave u autobusima gradskog prevoza, koje „pricaju" multietničku istoriju gradova, Dah teatar se osvrce na pozitivne aspekte naše kulturne i nacionalne razlicitosti, istoriju naših gradova koju su stvarali mnogi narodi i u koju su utkali svoju kulturu, običaje i stvaralaštvo. Tekstovi predstava su nastali na osnovu istraživanja istorije, dokumentarnih materijala i svedocanstava, demografske i socijalne strukture gradova u kojima se projekat odvijao, Smeštajući pozorišne akcije u autobus, Dah teatar želi da dnevnu situaciju autobusa oneobiči i ukaže na bogatstvo razlicitosti koje svakodnevno nosimo, kao i da podstakne gradane/ putnike na medusobnu toleranciju. Autobus je odabrano mesto kao zgusnuti prostor и коте se и svakodnevnom životu „testiraju“ naš suživot i tolerancija ka drugom. Muzičko-scenska predstava Ne/vidljivi grod se u Beogradu odvija и gradskom autobusu na redovnoj liniji 26, koja počinje na Dorćolu i završava se u naselju Brace Jerković U toku vožnje putnici su svedoci scenskih prizora koji prate price i istoriju delova grada kroz koje se prolazi.

The project ln/visible city has as its goal the promotion of different ethnic cultures through an inter-ethnic dialogue, using contemporary theatre means. The project promotes human rights and wants to make the culture of different ethnic communities that make the population of Serbia visible. Through performances in the public buses that speak about the multi-ethnic history of cities, Dah Theatre reflects on the positive aspects of our cultural and national differences, the history of our cities that were formed by many nations that have interwoven their culture, customs and creation. The texts of the performances have been formed on base of research of history, documents and testimonies, demographic and social structure of the cities in which the project took place. Placing the theatre actions in the bus Dah Theatre wants to make a daily situation of a bus ride a strange and new experience and to show the richness of diversity that we encounter each day, also to initiate mutual tolerance of the citizens/passengers. The bus is chosen as a place of condensed space in which our coexistence and tolerance towards the other is daily tested. A performance of theatre and music ln/visible city takes place in the regular bus line 26 that starts in Dorcol and goes to the Brace Jerkovica neighborhood. During the ride the passengers are witnesses of scenes that follow the stories and history of the parts of the city through which the bus passes.