
• Romski teatar „Suno e Rromengo", Novi Karlovci, Srbija HAMLETOVI GLUMCI Predstava prema motivima iz Hamleta Scenario i režija; Zoran Jovanović ►И 17. septembar, 17:00 Centarza kulturnu dekontaminaciju Trajanje: 60'

• Roma theatre "Suno e Rromengo", Novi Karlovci, Serbia HAMLET'S ACTORS Performance based on the motifs from Hamlet Script and direction: Zoran Jovanović ►И September 17 th , 17:00 Centre for Cultural Decontamination Duration: 60’

Romski teatar „Suno e Rromengo" u Novim Karlovcima jedinstveno je romsko pozoriste na Baikanu. Grupa je dobila ime po predstavi sa kojom je učestvovala na Bitef Polifoniji 2003. godine, kada je osnovan prvi romski teatar и Srbiji. Siede gostovanja u zemlji i svetu. Pozoriste dobija zgradu. Plesom, zvukom, pesmom, pokretom i drugim elementima teatra pokreta ovo pozoriste daje odgovore na večita pitanja romske sudbine i postojanja. Predstava Hamletovi glumci odigrava se и prostoru između sna i jave, od kraljeve smrti, pa do kraljeve osvete. Akcenat je stavljen na glumce i Hamletovu dilemu - da li su glumci koji su putovali svetom bili Romi pa su se u jednom trenutku našli i na dvoru Hamleta. U središtu predstave je igra. Romi se predstavljaju Hamletu i publici. Umesto dvorskih igara, oni predstavljaju sebe. Po Hamletovoj naredbi, izvode Mišolovku. Predstava je namenjena široj publici, ritualnog je karaktera i razumljiva na svim jezicima.

Roma theatre "Sum e Rromengo" in Novi Karlovci is a unique Roma theatre on Balkans. The group was named after a performance with which they participated on Bitef Polyphony in 2003. That was the founding of the first Roma theatre in Serbia. This was followed by touring country and abroad. This theatre uses dance, sound, movement and other elements of movement theatre to provide answers to eternal questions of Roma faith and existence. The performance Hamlet's actors takes place between dream and reality, and dates from king's death to king's revenge. The accent is on actors and Hamlet's dilemma whether the world travelling actors were Roma, who happened to at a point get to Hamlet's court. The game is a focal point of the performance. Roma present themselves to Hamlet and the audience. Instead of court games, they represent themselves. Following Hamlet's orders, they perform The Mousetrap. The performance is for wider audiences, it is of ritual character, and understandable on all languages.