
• Udruženja „Duša" i „Videa", Beograd, Srbija, i Compagnie Arti-Zanat, Pariz/Beograd UZ HAMLETA Prezentacija projekta i pozorisna radionica ►W 19. septembar, 12:00 Ustanova kulture „Parobrod" Trajanje: 60' Kroz umetničku radionicu koja kao radni predložak uzima Sekspirovog Hamleta i njegove velike teme osvete, ludila, zavisti i ljubomore, šestoro ljudi predstavlja svoja razmisljanja i iskustva о životu sa mentalnim poremećajem. Projekat se sastojao iz dvonedeljne radonice koja je rezultirala javnom prezentacijom 24. juna и okviru Medunarodnog dana borbe protiv torture и Centru za kulturnu dekontaminaciju u Beogradu. Projekat su realizovali Međunarodna mreža pomoći (lAN), Centarza kulturnu dekontaminaciju, Beograd i umetnička grupa Compagnie Arti-Zanat, Pariz/Beograd, u saradnji sa udruženjima korisnika psihijatrijskih usluga iz Beograda „Duša" i „Videa". Voditelj umetničke radionice je Richard Grolleau - glumac, clan Compagnie Arti-Zanat.

• Associations "Duše", "Videa", Belgrade and Compagnie ArtiZanat, Paris/Beigrade BY HAMLET'S SIDE Presentation of the project and theatre workshop ►H September 19 th , 12:00 Cultural Institution "Parobrod" Duration- 60' Through artistic expressions related to the topics of Shakespeare's Hamlet, and its issues - revenge, madness, envy, jelousy as bases, six people presented their experiences of living with mental health problems. The project consisted of two weeks workshop which rersulted in public presentation on June 24 th , within International Day of Combating torture, in the Centre for Cultural Decontamination in Belgrade. The project was Implemented by International Aid Network (lAN), Centre for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade, and artistic group Compagnie Arti-Zanat, Paris/Beigrade, in collaboration with associations of psychiatric services beneficiaries from Belgrade "Duša' and “Videa”. Workshop facilitator Richard Grolleau is an actor, member of Compagnie Arti-Zanat.