
Prema rečima mladih umetnica, rad na ovom projektu omogućio im je da istražuju sebe i svoje mogućnosti (i mane) i da tragaju za sopstvenim izrazom, da telesnim istražuju misaono, emotivno i duhovno и sopstvenom biću...žena?! I bez obzira na to da li su pojedine scene nastajale za pet minuta ili im je trebalo i pet meseci, sigurno je da su sve izlazile iz njihovih najdubljih, intimnih delova duše (i uma), da su naučile da osluškuju svoj unutrašnji svet pretvarajući ga u jezik pokreta i da nakon skoro dve godine rada izlaze na videlo njihove misü, osećanja, želje. Kroz Šekspirova deta postavljaju pitanje nad kojim se svaka žena u jednom trenutku zamisli, a koje stoji u naslovu ove predstave.

As young artists claim, the work on this project made it possible for them to explore themselves and their potentials (and weaknesses) and to search for their own expression, to use corporal aspect in order to explore the reflective, emotional and spiritual within their essence... of a woman?! Regardless of whether the creation of certain scenes took five minutes, or five months, it is certain that they were all derived from their deepest, intimate bits of soul (and mind), that they have learned to listen to their inner world and turn it into a language of movement, and after almost two years of work their thoughts, feelings, desires come into open, and through Shakespeare's works they ask a question that every woman reflects upon at a certain moment, and is contained in the title of this performance.