
IZLOŽBA: SVI EKSTREMI BITEFA Ж 14. September, 18:00 Muzej pozorišne umetnosti Izložba pod nazivom Svi ekstremi Bitefa, obuhvata fotografije iz dvadeset i pet odabranih predstava od prvog do najnovijeg, jubilarnog, Festivala. Kriterijumi za selekciju predstava potkovani su podjednako društveno-političkim platformama i teatrološkim pokretima koji su menjali dramsku književnost. Način života današnje publike promenjen je pod uticajem raznih tehničkih dostignuća, brze razmene informacija bez cenzure, forenzičko-obdukcijskih emisija i televizijskog voajerizma u okviru rijaliti serijala i medijskom izloženošću raznim banalnostima i brutalnosti. Zbog toga je njeno poimanje ekstremnog promenjeno, pomereno. Istorijski presek pozorišnog stvaralaštva koje nam Bitef predstavlja tokom 45 godina, prelamajud ih kroz razne vidove teatroloskih ekstrema, pokazuje nam istovremeno i promenu ljudske percepcije u raznim društvenim okolnostima. Pružajući nam nove poglede i vizije и pozorišnoj kulturi, Bitef je predstave bez stilizacije, sa jednim glumcem, neverbalno ili interaktivno pozorište i mnogo drugih primera fizičkog teatra Grotovskog, ргеко poistovećivanja scenskog i stvarnog života Living teatra, nudizma na sceni Ričarda Šeknera, pozorišta bez radnje Roberta Vilsona, do prve naše golotinje na sceni u zajedničkoj režiji Zorana Ratkovića i Mire Trailović, predstava bez glumaca Hajnera Gebelsa do direktne i necenzurisane brutalnosti Romea Kasteludja. Izložba je realizovana u saradnji sa Direkcijom Bitefa, Istorijskim arhivom Beograda (korišćenjem Fonda Bitefa) i g. Jovanom Grilovim. Autorka izložbe i kataloga je Aleksandra Milošević, viši kustos. Radno vreme Muzeja: radnim danima 9:00-15:00, subotom 9:00-14:00. Ulaz slobodan.

EXHIBITION: ALL THE EXTREMES OF BITEF Ж September 14 th , 18:00 The Museum of Theatre Art of Serbia Exhibition All the Extremes ofßitef is presenting the photos of 25 chosen performances which have been seen in all the Bitef festivals. The criteria for the selection of the performances were based on socio-political platforms and theatre movements that have initiated changes in dramatic literature. What can be regarded as an extreme by the contemporary audience whose life is laden with various technological achievements, quick exchange of uncensored information, forensic science programmes and TV-voyeurism in the form of reality shows, the audience who has limitless access to all forms of banal and brutal contents, can be debatable. The historical overview of theatre presented by Bitef in the course of 45 years and shown in different forms of theatre extremes illustrates how human perception changes under various social circumstances. Opening new horizons and setting out new visions in theatre culture, Bitef has shown performances without stylization, performances with one actor only, non-verbal performances or those that provoked interactive communication, and numerous other examples of physical theatre of Grotowsky, Living Theatre and its blurring of the boundaries between life and theatre, Richard Schechner and stage nudism, Robert Wilson's theatre without action, first stage nudity in our theatre under direction of Zoran Ratković and Mira Trailović, Heiner Goebbels's performance without actors, or Romeo Castellucci's direct and uncensored brutality. The exhibition is prepared in cooperation between Bitef, Historical Archives of Belgrade (using Bitef collection) and Mr. Jovan Qrilov. The author of the exhibition and the catalogue is Aleksandra Milosevic, senior curator. The Museum of Theatre Art of Serbia is open daily 9:00-15:00, Saturdays 9:00-14:00. Entry is free of charge.