
IZLOŽBA: FOTOGRAMI - CRTEŽ SVETLOM, Jožef Nađ Ж 21. septembar, 19:00 Galerija Haos Najnovija serija recentnih fotograma Jožefa Nađa biće izložena tokom septembre i oktobra u galeriji Haos. Radovi koji čine izložbu otkrivaju svestranost, suptilnost i inventivnost Jožefa Nađa, koji u njima ispituje, ali i proširuje definiciju crteža, poigravajući se svetlom. Na otvaranju izložbe govore Vida Ognjenović, rediteljka i đramska spisateljica, i Ivan Medenica, pozorišni kritičar i teoretičar. Događaj će biti uveličan i muzičkom pratnjom Žorža Grujića. JOŽEF NAĐ je publia Bitef а jedan od najomiljenijih autora. Na ovom festivalu učestvuje po šesti put, a pored izložbe Fotograml - crtež svetlom, svoje slikarske radove predstavio je i izložbom minijatura, postavljenom u okviru pratećeg programa 40. Bitefa, 2006. Slikanjem i crtanjem bavi se od najranijeg detinjstva, kada je verovao da će slikarstvo biti njegova profesija. Prestao je da crta 1982. и želji da se potpuno posveti plesu. Petnaest godina kasnije, vratio se crtežu i fotografisanju, kojima se, sve do danas, neprestano bavi. Od 1996. godine, njegovi crteži, skulputure, fotografije i slike redovno su izlagani u brojnim galerijama i pozoristima.

EXHIBITION: PHOTOGRAMS - LIGHT IMAGES, Josef Nadj Ж Wednesday, 21 st September, 19:00 Haos gallery The latest series of Josef Nadj's photograms will be displayed in gallery Haos throughout September and October. The works present Josef Nadj's versatile, subtle and inventive approach, showing how he, by playing with light, explores but also broadens the definition of drawing. At the exhibition opening, the audience will be addressed by: Vida Ognjenović, a theatre director and playwright, and Ivan Medenica, a theatre critic and theoretician. Žorž Grujić will follow the event with his music. JOSEF NADJ is one of the favourite authors of Bitef's audience. This is the sixth time he participates at the festival. The exhibition Photograms - Light Images is not the first presentation of his'artistic work: an exhibition of his miniatures was displayed at 40 th Bitef 2006. He has been painting and drawing since his early childhood, sure to make it his profession. He stopped with the art in 1982, pursuing a wish to become a professional dancer. Fifteen years later, however, he resumed it never to abandon it again. As of 1996, his drawings, sculptures, photos and paintings have been exhibited in numerous galleries and theatres.