



ARTUR SONEN je roden 1946. u Mastrihtu, Holandija. Završio je studije Holandske književnosti i teatrologije u Amsterdams Od 1979, do 1991. bio je na čelu pozorišnog programa Holland festival. Godine 1987. osnovao je Het Theaterfestival (Nacionalni pozorišni festival Holandije i Flandrije) i bio njegov direkter sve do 2004. Trenutno je zaposlen na mestu profesora na Toneelacademie u Mastrihtu, a istovremeno je i viši konsultant u SICA (Fondacija medunarodnih kulturnih aktivnosti ) i sekretar EUNIC-a Holandije (Asocijacija nacionalnih kulturnih instituta - Gete institut, Francuski institut, Institut Servantes, Italijanski kulturni centar, Britanski savet, itd.). Član je žirija za dodelu Evropske pozorišne nagrade, a bio je i član žirija u Pečuju (Mađarska) i Turinu (Poljska).

ARTHUR SONNEN was born 1946, in Maastricht, Netherlands. He finished Dutch Literature and Theatre Studies in Amsterdam. In the period between 1979 and 1991 he was the head of the theatre programs at Holland Festival, in 1987, he founded Het Theaterfestival (the national theatre festival of Holland and Flanders) and stayed its director till 2004. Presently, he is a professor at the Toneelacademie of Maastricht. He is now a senior consultant of SICA (Foundation for international cultural activities) and the secretary of EUNIC Netherlands (Collaboration of National cultural institutes - Goethe Inst. Inst, de France, Institutes Cervantes, Istitutos di Culture Italiano, Br. Council, etc). He is a member of the jury of the European theatre Prize and was a jury member in Pecs (Hungary) and Torun (Poland).